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  • wwp_electroniks Friend

    1.- I need help to put the finishing touch on my website … I have JATELINE III and JA_Stock (inside JA_tabs3) doesn’t load good, because leaves a space between the end of the module and the start of the other, If opens with internet explorer browser, can read “ready, but with errors on page” and the error was: “ToolTip is not defined”.

    2.- I wish that after selecting a category such as “Eleconomista.es” appears only the title of the articles of the category, not the contents of the article. To view the content of the article click on the article directly, and then display the full text.

    3.- In the mod_JAnews2, I would like to disable the three buttons for customizing the module. Remove the option to customize janews2.

    If you do not understand something try to explain it better, thank you very much.


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi wwp_electroniks

    Currently we do not support JA_STOCK module in this template. It is in development. Please kindly remove this module on your website.

    wwp_electroniks Friend

    ok, when will leave the stable version of jastock?

    Please, review the other two problems… and help me


    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    JA Stock and JA Weather are no longer available or supported. They were withdrawn long time back.


    wwp_electroniks Friend

    Ok, but I have another problems, review please…


    micrantha Friend

    Hello wwp_electroniks,

    In Module Manager > Ja News2 you can change parameter for Max Cars; enter a value -1, and only title is displayed
    (If that’s what you mean).

    Open file modules/mod_janews2/tmpl/blog.php
    Find this code and comment it out or delete it (line 69).

    <?php if (defined("JA_USERSETTING_PLUGIN")):?>
    {jausersetting modid=<?php echo $module->id; ?> group=<?php echo $sid; ?> class=ja-usersetting idReload=ja-zinwrap}
    <?php endif;?>


    wwp_electroniks Friend

    Thanks Micrantha, the 3rd was all ok, but the second didnt mean that…

    attach the acrual photo and the photo that I want (now.jpg and Iwant.jpg respectively)


    micrantha Friend

    Hello wp_electroniks,
    I suspected you would mean that on a second reading.
    You could try realising such a presentation by insering the readmore-point at the top of your articles!


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  micrantha 15 years ago.

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