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  • krumz Friend


    I am using Joomla 2.5. It has that nice feature that shows when there are upgrades to new versions. The only problem is whenever it shows there is a new version for JA Products, the upgrade path never works.

    So then I come out to Joomlart, look for the product in question – and I don’t see the upgrade is available for download. The last time this happened I left a comment on the page for the module that Joomla showed had a new version and someone here posted the new version.

    I am now getting 3 notices for new versions, the upgrades don’t work from Joomla backend, and they are not listed on this site (that I can find anyway). Specifically Content Slider, Slideshow lite, and JA Twitter. I have left comments on each of these module pages but no one has responded. I find this frustrating, is anyone else having this problem??

    Also I purchased JA Vintas and it came with content slider and now all the sudden I get sent to a page that states I have to join the extension club to download the new version??

    Can someone tell me if I’m doing something wrong?


    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi Krumz,

    So then I come out to Joomlart, look for the product in question – and I don’t see the upgrade is available for download.
    Some extensions are released along with specific template only – don’t release in Extension Club. Please use “JoomlArt Updates” services in JAEM to upgrade

    I am now getting 3 notices for new versions, the upgrades don’t work from Joomla backend, and they are not listed on this site (that I can find anyway). Specifically Content Slider, Slideshow lite, and JA Twitter. I have left comments on each of these module pages but no one has responded. I find this frustrating, is anyone else having this problem??

    You can’t upgrade by joomla update since default joomla updates free product only, Please upgrade it by JAEM and go to admin->extension manager -> update > choose “Purge Cache” then “Find Updates” to clear update message from joomla

    Also I purchased JA Vintas and it came with content slider and now all the sudden I get sent to a page that states I have to join the extension club to download the new version??
    As I said, please use JoomlArt update services to update our JA extensions

    1. 12-13-2012-11-33-33-AM
    computejano Friend

    I am having same issue. Tried updating via Joomla backend , got an error message stating

    Unknown Archive type
    Update path does not exist
    JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file
    Unable to detect manifest file

    So i found this thread and tried to use the JAEM to update. However it says that no update is available. if there truly is no update, how do i clear this from showing up and if there is indeed an update how do i update. the updates in question are:
    JA Content Slider Module for J25 & J30
    JA Login module for J25 & J30
    JA Slideshow Lite Module for J25 & J30
    JA Twitter Module for J25 & J30
    JA Vintas Template for J25 & J30

    please advise

    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi computejano,

    As I said, please use JoomlArt update services (using JA extensions manager) to update our JA extensions, it does not update by Joomla update manager, Because most of our extension are commercial.

    With JAEM,you can read more here : http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Extensions_Manager/How-to#Known_issues

    If still error, please send PM to me admin access your site. I will check it again.

    you can verify the latest version of each product at http://update.joomlart.com/


    ric ordea Friend

    I’m having similar issues.
    I have updated the JA extensions through the JAEM. After I go to the Joomla Extension Manager, Purge Cache, and Find Updates, it pulls the same JA extensions that were previously listed that I just updated. Thank you for assistance.

    ric ordea Friend
    Juan Carlos Stauring Friend

    <em>@MoonSailor 353807 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    With JAEM,you can read more here : http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Extensions_Manager/How-to#Known_issues


    I’m not able to update even after following these instructions. Has there been any other solution besides this?

    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi jcstauring,

    Could you pm me admin access of your site? I will check it for you.

    osseo Friend


    I’m using the JA Extensions manager to update all my modules associate with the JA nex template (i.e. JA news featured). So I did the following steps:

    1. download all the new updated modules from Joomlart.com
    2. upload all the new modules to the repository folder.
    3. refresh and check for updates under JA extensions manager.
    4. I see the green text says “new version found!”, click on “upgrade now”
    5. I got an 500 error message that says” 500 – Internal Server Error -1 – An error has occurred. Copy failed. Return to Control Panel”

    Do you have any idea what went wrong in my process? Please help, thanks!


    Juan Carlos Stauring Friend

    <em>@MoonSailor 371226 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi jcstauring,

    Could you pm me admin access of your site? I will check it for you.</blockquote>

    Hi I had not seen this. Thank you I worked it out some how working with the ja component and changing from local to joomlart service. this was the trick to me entered user name etc and then checked for update, upgraded, cleared cache.

    thank you!

    osseo Friend

    after I’ve done the JA nex template and module upgrade, now all the modules on my frontpage are all mess up…somehow all the positions are wrong and something going on with the footer too..

    Can someone tell me why that is? here is the preview link:


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