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  • cssbox Friend

    I updated JA JobBoard component from version 1.0.2 => to 1.0.3. And now Location list and Category list work incorrect (show all items without scrolling).
    I installed components again but it did’n help.
    You can see it:

    1. error-jb
    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Cssbox
    Yes, i have seen issue. Please PM me ftp account i’ll help you resolve that issue.


    cssbox Friend

    Thanks. Ok I sent PM.

    cssbox Friend

    I have another big problem. Profile Form doesn’t save any changes.

    Value of fields don’t change When Employer will edit his Profile. You can register and enter for example: Businnes Name, Description… and it will show in Employer Profile. But if you will Edit profile, Site don’t change any fields (but it gives information: “SAVED”).

    I think it is problem with data base. Today I set in configuration.php another data base name (standard Job Board 1.0.3). After changes the site saved new information in employer profile. Could you help me with this problem too?

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Cssbox
    Solution for ajax issue:
    Open file components/com_jajobboard/assets/rendfield.php then find ‘function getSelectList’ and replace it by

    function getSelectList($table, $field_name, $selected_value = array(), $keyword = '', $required = false)
    global $jbconfig;
    $container = $field_name.'_container';

    if(empty($keyword)) {
    switch ($table) {
    case 'ja_categories': $keyword = JText::_("SEARCH_CATEGORY", true); break;
    case 'ja_location': $keyword = JText::_("SEARCH_LOCATION", true); break;
    default: $keyword = JText::_('SEARCH', true); break;

    //auto completed box
    $searchid = 'auto_'.$field_name;
    if(!defined('JB_AUTOCOMPLETE_SCRIPT')) {
    define('JB_AUTOCOMPLETE_SCRIPT', 1);
    JHTML::stylesheet('jquery.autocomplete.css', 'components/com_jajobboard/js/');
    JHTML::script('jquery.js', 'components/com_jajobboard/js/');
    JHTML::script('jquery.autocomplete.js', 'components/com_jajobboard/js/');
    $jsvar = '';
    $jsvar .= '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">';
    $jsvar .= '/* <!;
    row.value = row[1];
    return row;
    }).result(function(event, data, formatted) {
    var lbl_id = 'lbl_';
    if(jQuery('input#' > 0){
    alert('".JText::_('IT_IS_SELECTED', true)."');
    var newspan = document.createElement('span');
    var contentnewspan = '';
    contentnewspan += data.value;
    contentnewspan += '<input id="''" type="hidden" name="".$field_name."[]" value="'+data.value+'" />' ;
    contentnewspan += '<img id="btn_''" onclick="removeCL(this, ''+lbl_id+'');" alt="".JText::_('REMOVE')."" title="".JText::_('REMOVE')."" src="".JURI::root()."components/com_jajobboard/images/del.gif" />' ;
    newspan.innerHTML = contentnewspan ;
    if(jQuery('label#'+lbl_id).length > 0){

    $jsvar .= '/* ]]> */';
    $jsvar .= '</script>';

    $searchbox = '<input type="text" id="'.$searchid.'" class="autocomplete" value="'.$keyword.'" onblue="if (this.value == '') this.value='' .$keyword.'';" onfocus="if (this.value == ''.$keyword .'') this.value='';" />';
    $searchbox .= $jsvar;

    $r = '
    <div class="listbox">';
    $selected_value = array($selected_value);
    $cat_selected = '';
    if($jbconfig['general']->get('cl_ajax', 0) && $jbconfig['general']->get('cl_show_all_cat', 1)){
    $document = JFactory::getDocument();
    $r .= '<img src="components/com_jajobboard/images/loading.gif" width="16" height="16" />';

    $selected_value_data = count($selected_value) ? implode(',', $selected_value) : '';
    $selected_value_data = rawurlencode($selected_value_data);
    window.addEvent('domready', function() {
    var lo_ajax_url = 'index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jajobalerts&layout=load_cl_ajax&type={$table}&field_name={$field_name}&selected={$selected_value_data}';
    var location_load_ajax = new Request({
    'url': lo_ajax_url,
    method: 'post',
    onComplete: function(response){
    $('ja-select-list-ajax-".$field_name."').getElements('div.listbox').set('html', response);

    $categoryOptions = jaGetTreeItems($table);
    foreach ($categoryOptions as $key=>$value) {
    if (in_array($value->name, $selected_value) || in_array($value->id, $selected_value)) {
    $cat_selected .= '<span class="CL_'.$field_name.'_selected">';
    $cat_selected .= $value->name ;
    $cat_selected .= '<input type="hidden" value="'.$value->name.'" name="'.$field_name.'[]" id="'.$field_name.'_'.$value->id.'" />';
    $cat_selected .= '<img id="btn_'.$field_name.'_'.$value->id.'" onclick="removeCL(this, 'lbl_'.$field_name.'_'.$value->id.'')" src="'.JURI::root().'components/com_jajobboard/images/del.gif" title="'.JText::_('REMOVE').'" alt="'.JText::_('REMOVE').'" />';
    $cat_selected .= '</span>';
    } else {
    $categoryOptions = jaGetTreeItems($table);
    foreach ($categoryOptions as $key=>$value) {
    $selected = 0;
    if (in_array($value->name, $selected_value) || in_array($value->id, $selected_value)) {
    $selected = 1;
    $cat_selected .= '<span class="CL_'.$field_name.'_selected">';
    $cat_selected .= $value->name ;
    $cat_selected .= '<input type="hidden" value="'.$value->name.'" name="'.$field_name.'[]" id="'.$field_name.'_'.$value->id.'" />';
    $cat_selected .= '<img id="btn_'.$field_name.'_'.$value->id.'" onclick="removeCL(this, 'lbl_'.$field_name.'_'.$value->id.'')" src="'.JURI::root().'components/com_jajobboard/images/del.gif" title="'.JText::_('REMOVE').'" alt="'.JText::_('REMOVE').'" />';
    $cat_selected .= '</span>';
    if($jbconfig['general']->get('cl_show_all_cat', 1)){
    $r .= buildSelectListItem($field_name, $value, $selected);
    $r .= '</div>';

    $box = '<div class="ja-select-list-wrapper">';
    $box .= '<div class="ja-select-list" id="ja-select-list-ajax-'.$field_name.'">'.$searchbox.$r.'</div>';
    $box .= '<div class="destbox-wrapper">';
    if($required) {
    $box .= '<span id="req-'.$field_name.'" class="ja-field-require" style="color:red; display:block; clear:both;">*</span>';
    $box .= '<div class="destbox" id="'.$container.'">'.$cat_selected.'</div>';
    $box .= '</div>';
    $box .= '</div>';

    return $box;

    I tried access to your server but find not found folder which contain your website.


    cssbox Friend

    Thank you – ajax and your solution works very well 🙂

    I sent you new ftp account with access to website’s folder. I’ll be grateful if you will check problem with edit and save employer’s profile.

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Cssbox

    I fixed ‘Unable Save Profile’ error on your website. Please confirm that.
    PS: That is issue on our product. So we will update to fix that bug on next version. Thank Cssbox.


    cssbox Friend

    Ok it works 😀 Thank you.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  cssbox 11 years, 10 months ago.

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