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  • dawidt Friend

    Hello again,

    Now I’ve got problem with picture aligment in article. I have put an new image into new article, I’ve set left position and unfortunatelly not working on frontpage. In backend is fine, picture showed up but is not working on frontend. Any clue?

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi dawidt

    It is so hard to debug it.
    Could you please send me your live url via PM so that i could have a closer look on the issue?

    kerssies Friend

    I have the same issue. Text always appears underneath a image instead of next to it. And how can i show multiple images in one article?

    Rob Hawthorn Friend

    Same problem here, time for a support ticket

    Rob Hawthorn Friend

    I posted a ticket in relation to this problem but I’m finding it difficult to decipher the answer. I will reply to the ticket but I really don’t want to wait a day for a reply, so can anyone help?
    Posted ticket:
    “I’m trying to display a table with images in each cell and with text above the table (http://www.cloudwf.com/PMZ/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=44&Itemid=76) but it’s not letting me do this.”

    And the answer is as follows:
    “For this case, please rename templates/ja_lead/html/com_content/category folder.

    We are formatting the content of article according to our format.”

    It’s an ambiguous answer, any help appreciated (I’ll post the solution when received from the ticket if not solved)

    datinetweb Friend

    I have the same problem.
    Did anyone find the solution to this issue?

    phoenixxx Friend

    I had the same problem.
    I’ve found the answer in this thread.

    Renaming folder category in path templates/ja_lead/html/com_content/ works fine.

    This folder contains the template customization for this case.
    Renaming we lost this customization and, for example, shadowed images.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  phoenixxx 14 years, 10 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum