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  • synapsis Friend

    I just downloaded the quickstart to JA Zite — something I’ve done many times with other JA templates, so I know the drill. Went through the normal set-up process, but when I went to log into the administrator, it kept telling me that my password was incorrect.

    I did this installation a second time making ABSOLUTELY sure that I entered the password correctly.

    Then I checked the forums to see what might be wrong, and found this thread:

    Is there something similar happening with JA Zite? Please check into this and let me know.

    I’m totally disappointed that I’m losing valuable development time because I can’t even log into my freshly installed website. I’ve included the site details, but I don’t think you’ll be able to get into it either. I also tried admin/admin for the userid/password combo. That didn’t work either. Will I need to access the MySQL database and change the admin password manually?

    Please let me know!

    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@synapsis 329019 wrote:</em><blockquote>I just downloaded the quickstart to JA Zite — something I’ve done many times with other JA templates, so I know the drill. Went through the normal set-up process, but when I went to log into the administrator, it kept telling me that my password was incorrect.

    I did this installation a second time making ABSOLUTELY sure that I entered the password correctly.

    Then I checked the forums to see what might be wrong, and found this thread:

    Is there something similar happening with JA Zite? Please check into this and let me know.

    I’m totally disappointed that I’m losing valuable development time because I can’t even log into my freshly installed website. I’ve included the site details, but I don’t think you’ll be able to get into it either. I also tried admin/admin for the userid/password combo. That didn’t work either. Will I need to access the MySQL database and change the admin password manually?

    Please let me know!</blockquote>
    Hello synapsis,

    Thank you for your report. I’ll inform our developers to check this issue.

    For temporarily fix, you can access MySQL database to change your admin password manually. Here is encoded password for “admin”


    Best regards.

    legacytrx Friend


    I seem top have the same problem. Dowloaded the JA ORISITE and installed the quickstart version.
    This admin password I have entered in the configuration does not work when logging in.


    legacytrx Friend


    actually I resolved the problem.When dumping the mysql dataset I search for admin and got that there were two admins
    defined. One seem to be there already from start and then the one I have configured. Both were called admin, so I guess when entering the password it referred to the first one not the second.

    So I deleted the first entry and the table looks like this

    INSERT INTO `xabs1_users` VALUES (403,’Super User’,’admin’,’’,’You dont really care about my entrypted password’,’deprecated’,0,1,’2012-07-19 12:37:24′,’0000-00-00 00:00:00′,’0′,”,’0000-00-00 00:00:00′,0);
    /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `xabs1_users` ENABLE KEYS */;

    Fed it back to Mysql after dropping and creating the table: It works with my password!
    So what is worrying here is that with any quickstart someone else has the admin password. This is a pretty security flaw
    when You have the site on the internet.

    Hope this is helpful.


    mikro74 Friend

    Same here..I am hoping for a solution..

    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@mikro74 331032 wrote:</em><blockquote>Same here..I am hoping for a solution..</blockquote>
    Hello mikro74,

    Have you ever tried above solution yet? It should work.

    Best regards.

    synapsis Friend

    I have tried the solution recommended, but it’s not working for me. I’m not an SQL expert, so the fault could be my own, but really… SHOULD I need to be doing this? I really hope that Joomlart cares enough about its paying customers to FIX the problem themselves and release a new quickstart that isn’t broken.

    Thank you.

    synapsis Friend

    Well, it seems that Joomlart DID fix the problem. I see that a new quickstart dated 7/16 has replaced the old one. Did a fresh download and install today, and it’s working great so far. Thank you for solving the problem. I just wish I’d been notified somehow, or that notice of the fix had been added to this forum thread.

    That would have been a nicer way to discover it had been resolved. I’d have gotten more accomplished on this project.

    All the same, thank you for fixing the problem.

    spitek Friend

    Today I downloaded the JA Mers quickstart. I installed it and things went as you can see well until I went to log in to administrator. When I log in using the same username and password that I set up during the installation… I get ” 500 – An error has occurred. ”

    Can anyone offer any help here ?


    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@spitek 331902 wrote:</em><blockquote>Today I downloaded the JA Mers quickstart. I installed it and things went as you can see well until I went to log in to administrator. When I log in using the same username and password that I set up during the installation… I get ” 500 – An error has occurred. ”

    Can anyone offer any help here ?

    Hello spitek,

    Can you PM me with your site information (your site URL, your site admin account) and your FTP account? So I can diagnose this problem.

    BTW, please include this forum thread URL in your PM, so I can follow it.

    Best regards.

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