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  • ch2856 Friend


    site on j3.3.6 ja-magz 1.1.1. template setting on responsive RTL website.

    On some mobile browsers such as chrome or oprera, when the site is loaded, I see a blank page. The content is there but I need to swipe up about 50px (About the browser address bar height) in order for the content to be reviled.

    If I change the setting to none responsive it work fine. If I am still in responsive mode but on LTR, it’s fine again.

    Update: I have tested it with clean ja-magz template, the same issue happen as well.
    It happen even if I turn off all the extensions (plugins&modules).

    Please Advise.


    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @ch2856,

    Could you please provide your site url so I can have a look first ?

    ch2856 Friend

    Hi Adam,

    It’s on the original template as well (been tested) if you use it with LTR language there is no issue but if you change the site language to RTL on chorme mobile broswer (and some more) you get a blank page and only when you swipe up about 50px the site reviled.

    It happen even if unpublished all extensions.

    ch2856 Friend

    check your PM.

    ch2856 Friend

    I must say that it’s not the first major issue with JA magz and the developers team never take care of them, I had to look for the issue my self.

    ch2856 Friend

    Update: it has to do with white-space issue. if I add white-space: nowrap; tot he body tag, that issue is gone, not that I can use this solution since it brake the whole site.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @ch2856,

    Sorry for the delay, could you please provide a temporary FTP account via private reply too ? I need to tweak the custom.css file a little bit.

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