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  • jschroeder Friend

    Hi I upgraded to joomla 3.4 and there seems to be a problem with the acm module in the uber template. The xml file in not displaying the label properly in the backend of the site. How do I fix this?



    1. acm
    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>How do I fix this?</blockquote>

    You should override file languageen-GBen-GB.tpl_uber.ini

    ; Call to action
    CTA_BASIC_LABEL ="CTA Details"
    CTA_TEXT_ALIGN_LABEL ="Text Alignment"
    CTA_TEXT_ALIGN_DESC ="Set alignment for text"
    CTA_STYLE_LABEL ="Select Style"
    CTA_STYLE_DESC ="Select style for the CTA block. Available styles: Light and Dark"
    CTA_HEADING_DESC ="Call To Action block must have a title"
    CTA_INTRO_LABEL ="Introtext"
    CTA_INTRO_DESC ="Add intro text"
    CTA_IMG_LABEL ="Background Image"
    CTA_IMG_DESC ="Add image to display as background of the Call to action block"
    CTA_ANIMATION_LABEL ="Select Animation"
    CTA_ANIMATION_DESC ="Set animation type when the block is loaded in the first time. Available types: Fade and Move from bottom"
    CTA_ANIMATION_SPEED_LABEL ="Animation Speed"
    CTA_ANIMATION_SPEED_DESC ="Set speed for animation, in milliseconds"
    CTA_BUTTON_LABEL ="Button Label"
    CTA_BUTTON_DESC ="Add button label"
    CTA_LINK_LABEL ="Button Link"
    CTA_LINK_DESC ="Add link for the button"
    CTA_BUTTON_CLASS_LABEL ="Button Class"
    CTA_BUTTON_CLASS_DESC ="Add class to style for the button, support Bootstrap 3 classes such as btn btn-primary"
    CTA_ANIMATION_FADE ="Fade animation"
    CTA_BACKGROUND_LABEL ="Background Color"
    CTA_BACKGROUND_DESC ="Select background color for the content block"
    CTA_ICON_LABEL ="Font Awesome Icon"
    CTA_ICON_DESC ="Add Font Icon to display as Button icon"

    jschroeder Friend

    I tried this and it did not fix it? Any other ideas?

    pavit Moderator

    <em>@jschroeder 460382 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks when is this going to actually be fixed?</blockquote>

    When the version for Joomla 3.4 will be updated

    jschroeder Friend

    Any other solutions until this is done?

    pavit Moderator

    Go to language manager => Override => and add manually the translation

    If you can send me via Private Message a temp super user account to your backend i will have a look at it

    jschroeder Friend

    I have already done this and it has zero effect. I pasted the entire file en-GB.tpl_uber.ini
    into the override section in the language manage and it does not fix the issue.

    pavit Moderator


    Uber is not tested ( clearly ) on Joomla 3.4 so i can suggest to roll back to Joomla 3.3 or wait for a compatible release of the template

    jschroeder Friend

    Considering this module controls the whole uber template basically and it is almost unreadable on the back end of the site because the lanugage file does not work it slows down my progress on working on the site. Any ETA on when this is going to be fixed? Rolling back is not an option for me I just started making this site today on joomla 3.4

    pavit Moderator


    It will be updated in the next weeks , you can see new updates announcements HERE

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