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  • memorandum Friend

    1- In ja_hawkstore, I have configurate my store to see 12, 24, 36, 48 products. But it always shows only 12 products.

    2- In next/previous link, it shows the next product correctly, but not the previous one!!!!

    3- Can I configurate a store to see only the list of the products? I mean without thumbnails.

    Thanks and regards 🙂

    tfosnom Friend

    please post in the Hawkstore forum

    Manos Moderator


    That should be an issue with VM can you please provide a link to your site and a temporary Super User account so we can investigate this further ?



    P.S. Thread moved to appropriate section

    Manos Moderator


    From what i can see you have configured your eshop that way ->
    If you want it to display more than 12 items when you first visit a category then you need to adjust the above settings accordingly.

    Let me know if that’s what you needed.



    memorandum Friend

    Sorry, I can’t understand wha to do exactly.

    And what about the othe problems?



    Manos Moderator


    I tried to check the rest of the problems you mention but it looks like you have some server side issues, you need to have the proper folders writable by Joomla.

    Also please update to the latest version of the template (backup first) and see if the problem remains.

    Let me know if the problem remains after that.



    Manos Moderator


    Your site still has issues related to your hosting environment. Please try to enable development mode and you will understand more. ( JError: Cannot create css cached file in development folder: t3-assets/dev )



    memorandum Friend

    When we enable development mode, we lose all the styles!!!!

    Manos Moderator

    That’s because your hosting account doesn’t provide joomla the proper permissions in order to write to the dev folder.
    Also it seems that the issue with VM is solved with the latest release of VM 2



    memorandum Friend

    I send you some screen shots, to see that all the permisions are 777, and we have latest versión of virtue mart.

    And I have also sent you 2 other creen shots, to show you the problems with the store:

    When we change the numbre of results, it always reamins on 12. it’s not correct!!!!!!!!!

    And the Previous product link, shows a random product, not the real previous one.



    1. virtuemart
    2. dev
    3. interior_dev
    4. pantalla-1
    5. pantalla-2
    memorandum Friend

    Hi again,

    We have resolved the problem with combo.

    Would you please to check the other ones?

    1 – previous/next links
    2 – the list of products without image



    1. pantalla-1
    Manos Moderator


    I am going to try to reproduce the problem on localhost, but with all do respect you haven’t applied some important updates, as you can see here -> and here ->

    Those screen shots were taken from your Joomla Admin Panel

    Please allow me some time to do the testing on my localhost and i will reply back to this thread.



    Manos Moderator


    I installed a QS package on my localhost and updated to the latest version of VM 2 which by that time is 2.0.24b. Before the update all described problems where there and i couldn’t change items listing etc, after the update i can’t see any of that problems, next – previous buttons is also functional.

    Can you please explain a little more what you mean with -> 2 – the list of products without image ?



    memorandum Friend

    In our store, I have different types of displaying the products:

    First, like a catalogue as like as I have it now. And second type, as a list like the example below, ordering by referance number:

    Ref. 101 – Vaso de Vicarello – modelo A – bronce
    Ref. 102 – Vaso de Vicarello – modelo B – bronce
    Ref. 103 – Vaso de Vicarello – modelo C – bronce
    Ref. 104 – Vaso de Vicarello – modelo D – bronce
    Ref. 104 – Llavero Caballito de Calaceite (plata ó cobre)
    Ref. 105 – Vaso de Vicarello – modelo A – plata 425 g
    Ref. 106 – Vaso de Vicarello – modelo B – plata 450 g
    Ref. 107 – Vaso de Vicarello – modelo C – plata 575 g
    Ref. 108 – Vaso de Vicarello – modelo D – plata 725 g
    Ref. 109 – Pátera de Otañes-Castro Urdiales-Cantabria- Bronce

    I hope that I have explained it better.

    Thanks for your help,


    phong nam Friend

    @memorandum: I have answered your same question in another thread. Please check and follow it.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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