January 10, 2009 at 1:19 pm #136948
i installed your template all works ok on firefox and chrome but the website not load interely on internet explorer.
http://www.grangustopugliese.it/now i published the module in http://www.grangustopugliese.it/Contatti.html so this page doesn’ work
Someone can help me??scotty Friendscotty
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January 10, 2009 at 3:20 pm #285789The problem is the slideshow module you are using.
wooohanetworks Friendwooohanetworks
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January 10, 2009 at 4:48 pm #285803If I saw the demo of this template with that type of content I would have said so many good things about it. It is always the content, and the electronics in the demo made me hate this one…
But now, tutto il buono with my opinion about this template again….;)
January 10, 2009 at 5:25 pm #285810<em>@scotty 105251 wrote:</em><blockquote>The problem is the slideshow module you are using.</blockquote>
i disabled it but nothing! is not that the problem, the site load if i unpublish the tabslide module the one in user5 position on the right.is not too the single video module because if i publish it in another position it works!
looks the tabslidebroken….
please help me !!!
wooohanetworks Friendwooohanetworks
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January 10, 2009 at 7:13 pm #285822Send a PM to one of the support staff members like “JA Developer” or open a support ticket. I think this will solve this issue the best way.;)
scotty Friendscotty
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January 10, 2009 at 7:18 pm #285824OK I’ve had a deeper look now and the problem appears to be related to the .clearfix class in the css.
With css there is a specific .clearfix style applied for each browser. Somewhere in your site there is a float or a block not being closed and thus keeping the clearfix applied and this is causing some elements to be set as visibility:hidden ( they are there – you just can’t see them).
Without a site to test some changes on, it is very difficult for me to fix this problem.
What position do you have the slideshow published to? Do you have class=”clearfix” applied to that position? Or have you made any modifications to your index.php?
If so, can you post your entire index.php text here please?
January 11, 2009 at 9:12 am #285880<em>@scotty 105297 wrote:</em><blockquote>OK I’ve had a deeper look now and the problem appears to be related to the .clearfix class in the css.
With css there is a specific .clearfix style applied for each browser. Somewhere in your site there is a float or a block not being closed and thus keeping the clearfix applied and this is causing some elements to be set as visibility:hidden ( they are there – you just can’t see them).
Without a site to test some changes on, it is very difficult for me to fix this problem.
What position do you have the slideshow published to? Do you have class=”clearfix” applied to that position? Or have you made any modifications to your index.php?
If so, can you post your entire index.php text here please?</blockquote>
so to show you better look the site with ie:
now all pages works because i unpublished the tabslide module in user5 position
only in this page http://www.grangustopugliese.it/Contatti.html i leave it published and with ie it load and load my browsersay”waiting for http……” and only some things are shownThis is my index.php, i made some changes on it:
# JA Vauxite for Joomla 1.0 - Version 1.0 - Licence Owner JA102424
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defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
defined( 'DS') || define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );include_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.'/ja_vars_1.0x.php');
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window.addEvent ('load', makeTransBG);
function makeTransBG() {
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<span>CAMBIA COLORE</span>
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<span>CAMBIA LAYOUT</span>
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<span>FONT SIZE </span><?php $tmpTools->genToolMenu($tmpTools->getParam('usertool_font'), 'gif'); ?>
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$siteName = $tmpTools->sitename();
if ($tmpTools->getParam('logoType')=='image') { ?>
<h1 class="logo">
<a href="index.php" title="<?php echo $siteName; ?>"><span><?php echo $siteName; ?></span></a>
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$logoText = (trim($tmpTools->getParam('logoText'))=='') ? $config->sitename : $tmpTools->getParam('logoText');
$sloganText = (trim($tmpTools->getParam('sloganText'))=='') ? JText::_('SITE SLOGAN') : $tmpTools->getParam('sloganText'); ?>
<div class="logo-text">
<a href="index.php" title="<?php echo $siteName; ?>"><span><?php echo $logoText; ?></span></a>
<p class="site-slogan"><?php echo $sloganText;?></p>
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$spotlight = array ('user1','user2','user6', 'user7');
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<?php include_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.'/footer.php' ); ?>
<!-- END: FOOTER --><?php mosLoadModules('debug'); ?>
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