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  • jeroensmits Friend

    Hello I’m having problems using JA highslide in Ja galena.

    I want to use highslide exactly as shown on de demopage of Ja galena.
    I have read the “How to install and setup the JA Highslide guide” however I still can’t work it out.

    What are the parameters I have to use in de module?

    Whenever I try to select ‘Type’ in the dropdownbox in module parameters my browser comes with an error: Method not supported.

    I cannot save nor apply unless I choose “Select type” in the dropdownbox “Type”

    I use Joomla! 1.5.2 Production/Stable [ Woi ] 22-March-2008 22:00 GMT
    and downloaded the latest version of JA highslide

    Hopefully you have some helpfull tips.

    Thanks in advanche

    bennitos Friend

    if you still have a clean site, i would always suggest to use the quickstart.

    Its not exactly what you asked for but might be an option!

    jeroensmits Friend

    I have installed the quickstart files and sample data.
    Still having the same problems. Example

    The image does not come up, it’s disappears.

    In the mean time I’m running Joomla 1.5.7 and the latest version of Highslide

    This is the code I use in the article:
    {highslide type=”slideshow-caption” url=”images/stories/slideshow/sl-1.jpg” width=100 positions=”top, right” outlineType=”rounded-white” }{/highslide}

    Please HELP!

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jeroensmits 16 years, 3 months ago.

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