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  • optimus74 Friend

    Hello to all,

    I have a problem with the Ja Side News Module, so far I have spent 1 day triying to fix it but no result at all… 😮

    When I put an image in the Ja Side News Module, the image does not fix in the wide of the module (image witdh: 241px and module positions: position-1, position-2 and position-3). But if I increase the witdh of the image, more than 290px then it fixes in the module, but the text moves down and reduces the spaces betwen the “read more buton”.

    Can you please give a hand?

    Thank you very much.

    1. screenshot-web
    TomC Moderator

    So that I can try to best assist you, please provide the url of the site you’re working on, as well as one of the following:

    1. If using J3.0 template version – set template to “Development Mode” within your Template Manager
    2. If using J2.5 template version – set “Optimize CSS” to “No” within your Template Manager–General settings

    galaxie Friend


    I have the same problem with my website http://www.espacesoleil.ch, where the “read more” button appears on top of the text

    Thanks for your help

    Nazario A Friend


    Please try to open the file: /templates/ja_mero/css/custom.css (please create a new one if this file does not exist), then add this rule:

    .double-rows {
    min-height: 451px;

    You can change the height in red as you wish.

    Let me know if this helps.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nazario A 10 years, 10 months ago.

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