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  • maghen Friend

    Anyone who – successfully – has installed “Joomla Tags For Joomla 1.5.x” (from Phil Taylor/Blue Flame) in a JA Teline II site?
    I would like to know what adjustments to make so this otherwise brilliant component doesn’t break the template. (The two right columns are forced downwards when I install the addon which provides tagging interface in content).
    I’m using JA Teline II v1.2 and Joomla! 1.5.3.


    Menalto Friend

    Whats your site url?
    And please give an url to where the problem is

    maghen Friend

    I’m setting up the site offline on xampp (http://localhost), but have now duplicated the installation on a demo site: http://balkongen.net/balkongen/index.php

    There you’ll see that in article view, the two right columns drop down under the article.
    when the addon that show tags under each article, is activated.
    Deactivating this addon, eliminate the problem – but, then, again, it’s rather pointless, I think, to have tags without displaying them under each article.

    I could give you access to the admin panel etc. if you’ve got a secure channel for transmitting these data.

    Menalto Friend

    Just give me a PM with the log in info and ill check it out. If you have FTP access i would like that too.

    maghen Friend

    Thanks. It’s done.

    Omar Ramos JAEC

    I’ve localized the problem to this line of html:

    <div class="clearfix" id="ja-container-inner">

    The class=”clearfix” part is what is causing the problem…let me find out where it’s coming from and I’ll get back to you in just a minute.

    Omar Ramos JAEC

    OK, it’s on line 157 of the template’s PHP file.


    <div id="ja-container-inner" class="clearfix">

    What I don’t know yet is if this class is is required for the other pages?

    If it is then it wouldn’t be wise to completely remove it, but maybe on article pages it would be ok to not have it.

    In that case I would replace the line of code above with:

    <div id="ja-container-inner"
    <?php if ((JRequest::getVar('option') == 'com_content') and (JRequest::getVar('view') == 'article')): ?>
    <?php else: ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    That would add a check to see if a visitor was on an article page or not…if so then class=”clearfix” part won’t get shown.

    Hope that helps :-).

    maghen Friend

    Absolutely brilliant! Thank you very much! You really made my day. I’could never have solved this by myself – even my dog finds me totally incompetent when it comes to php – and hides when I open such files..

    So far I haven’t seen any problems with your solution. Any of the template creators who have a point of view -?

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  maghen 16 years, 7 months ago.

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