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  • dentalnetwork Friend

    help with this problem:
    FileError: ‘http://mafher29.com/edwincevallos/templates/ja_hotel/less/extras/vars.less‘ wasn’t found (404)
    in com_jomres.less on line 3, column 1:

    2// ——————
    3@import "vars.less"; // Modify this for custom colors, font-sizes, etc
    4@font-size-base: 14px;

    1. problema
    Saguaros Moderator


    The error message indicates that the file doesn’t exist, kindly check in that directory.

    Or share me the credentials of your site: URL, Admin + FTP account, I will check for you.


    dentalnetwork Friend

    Yes. That file is not in the folder where I can get it since the original template does not bring that file, you can send me that file.

    Saguaros Moderator


    You can try opening file: root/templates/ja_hotel/less/extras/com_jomres.less

    You will see this line of code:

    @import "vars.less";

    change it to:

    @import "../vars.less";

    and check again.

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