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  • ferdilebu Friend

    Hi I have several problems with mod_javmproducts Module

    1) I can not display the dynamic menu parent categories showing left

    2) Do not see arrows display how active the arrow style? and just shows me html “Prev Next”

    2) And finally how do I rename the button javm_product_details by “details”

    I really want the module is equal to the original

    Please appreciate the help

    1. jmproblem
    2. real
    ferdilebu Friend

    I could put in the position 3 modules tab, and I can see the 3 modules, but I want to be like the original
    my modules are static

    How do I move the modules so dynamic?

    1. modules
    phong nam Friend

    Hi ferdilebu,

    Issue 1/2: It seems that there is a problem with your customization on our JA Hawkstore quickstart. I will check and give you a suitable solution when you send me PM with you admin login for further checking.

    Issue 3: You need to open languageen-GBen-GB.mod_javmproducts.ini, then put below line into the end of file:


    * If this file doesn’t exist, you can attract my attached file into language/end-GB path. The Details button will appear then.

    Issue 4: You can let the JA VM Product modules (tab module) to be static by disabling the Autoplay option the module’s backend.

    ferdilebu Friend

    It solves all problems! thank you very much for the help, but now I have the following problems:

    I do not know how to get those white squares that appear to me

    I do not know how to translate the following links displayed in the layout category “ja_product_details”

    the latter need to translate it to Spanish but can not find where to translate

    1. padding
    2. productdetails
    3. view-category
    phong nam Friend

    Hi ferdilebu,

    For the white squares, at least I need your website URL to check which these belong to. In order to translate “ja_product_details”, you can open languageen-GBen-GB.tpl_ja_hawkstore.ini then add below line:

    JA_PRODUCT_DETAILS ="details"

    You can tranlate “details” to Spanish.

    To translate “View category” text, you need to open : templatesja_hawkstorehtmlcom_virtuemartcategoriescategories.php, then find line (80th):

    <a href="<?php echo $caturl ?>" title="<?php echo $category->category_name ?>" class="category-view-link">View Category</a>

    Translate that texts to Spainish.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  phong nam 11 years, 5 months ago.

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