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  • bergalex Friend


    first my english is very bad, sorry.
    I like JA NIckel, but i found some errors.

    I habe an Titel “About” in german “Über Uns”
    but the Ü is cutting off.

    take a look
    Refresh the browser, you can see the problem.

    Thanks Alex

    Css Magician Friend

    HI bergalex,
    I can’t see a bug, beause your link redrict to , please check and give link demo again.

    bergalex Friend

    sorry wrong url

    impexconsult Friend

    I have a similar problem with this themes… my site in two languages. In English, all titles menus are displayed perfectly in Russian menu titles are not visible. The site in the encoding utf8. You can see on the site

    artinweb Friend

    Same proble for Greek Language here too.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Not sure if this is going to work for you guys. However you can try this semisolution provided by avekic in this forum thread

    wooohanetworks Friend

    To the german Ü problem, have you tried to increase the line-height in the particular css for this menu and menu part. Seems the line height is set to a lower value as the characters have when using the Umlaute, so is matching perfectly to character sets that do not have those add ons that simply increase the height of the characters.

    Hope this helps!

    I really like this site, a perfect match with this template! In case you want to move the breadcrumbs navigation to the top, you can do this with playing around with the particular codes in the templates index.php and move the codes to the top. Will match this particular site better.

    artinweb Friend

    I’ve already tried that sollution but didn’t work for me.

    Phill Moderator

    Does the font choice actually include those characters? It doesn’t look like it.

    Nickel includes a new technology called Cufon, you may want to investigate what is going on and why it is not generating the characters you need.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    <em>@artinweb 121119 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’ve already tried that sollution but didn’t work for me.</blockquote>

    I don’t know if you refer to my post and also do not know how greek and german characters have differences in the coding but UTF-8 General works with the ÖÄÜ but I do not know if this is also the same with greek characters.

    What I mean does not relate to the collation of the site but may only be solving the german character issues. When I look over the german site, I see that the site diaplays those special characters correctly.

    Maybe this solution I mentioned only works for the german site and not for greek as I do not know if your site displays the characters at all or if those are only cut by the line height of the menu?

    Regardless all this, in case also the menu is working with the cufon extension, does not look like this, you may simply turn this off. (I only talk about the issue with the german site, do not know about the others, seem to be different topics or problems as far how it reads, sorry.)

    artinweb Friend

    Actually the problem is it doesn’t show greek at all in h3. Only english. Take a look here.

    And actually i have no time to look at it, i have to get my portfolio ready until Friday. It is a major problem to me.

    Anyway thanks for you comments.:((

    artinweb Friend

    I forgot to mention that the font i used was calibri that supports greek characters. I even did it with Arial.

    kris_395 Friend

    I deleted all cufon folder and no more problem with characters.

    Phill Moderator

    If you re-download the template Jomla Art have added a switch in the back end to switch off Cufon for those that need the special characters.

    artinweb Friend

    I’ll try it immediately, many thanks to all of you.

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