i have some problems with the icons on blockquote styles
for example in this example of the typography
<blockquote><span class=”open”></span>
<p>Quisque faucibus dui eros, at rhoncus arcu. Etiam vehicula dictum diam, ut rutrum velit adipiscing non. Donec facilisis risus id ligula congue fermentum. Quisque euismod, ipsum a posuere accumsan, quam justo tempus mi, eget scelerisque justo quam quis lectus.</p>
<p class=”text-small”><strong>— John Doe</strong><br />CEO of JoomDevMasters</p>
when i edit and save the html in the editor…if i save the editor the class open disappear
<p>Quisque faucibus dui eros, at rhoncus arcu. Etiam vehicula dictum diam, ut rutrum velit adipiscing non. Donec facilisis risus id ligula congue fermentum. Quisque euismod, ipsum a posuere accumsan, quam justo tempus mi, eget scelerisque justo quam quis lectus.</p>
<p class=”text-small”><strong>— John Doe</strong><br />CEO of JoomDevMasters</p>
like result,on the page dont appear the icons or the style options….if i write again the line span class=”open”></span>, when i save the wrtie class desappear…
Some idea?