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  • kallan Friend

    Hi all,

    I have just done a fresh install of joomla and virtuemart – with all modules and plugins and demo products

    I then installed Ja_Hedera and created the template position gallery
    I then installed the slider module and in the settings where you are supposed to choose the product category to show none are showing (yet there are at least 4 categories with products)

    Any ideas why this may be happening?


    kashxo Friend

    Hi, Can I see the screenshot of your JA Slider configuration page?

    kallan Friend

    Sure here you go.

    kashxo Friend

    Please try to set the configuration like this one in userguide to see it can help:

    kallan Friend

    I have set as above.
    The problem I have is that none of the PRODUCT categories are showing in the category drop down.
    The only category showing is the one I have created for my frontpage text article.

    – I have set up a category with 2 products in virtuemart.


    kashxo Friend

    I see in the Category parameter, you don’t choose any category, am I right?
    If yes, please select the category you want to display in the Slider

    kallan Friend

    Nope there are no product categories available to choose in the category parameter. They are not showing up.

    kallan Friend

    Well I had a thought that perhaps it couldn’t pick up the categories until I had published the module that displays the product categories as a menu.

    So I did this but unfortunately there is still only the Articles/FrontPage to choose in the category drop down (all of my actual product categories are not showing still)

    Can someone shed some light on this please.


    kashxo Friend

    May I have your Joomla! admin login details? If yes, please PM me.
    By the way, which version of Joomla! you’re using?

    kallan Friend

    Thanks kashxo I have pm’d you. I am using 1.0.13

    kashxo Friend

    I’d like to post here in case others got the same issue.
    You don’t see the category in the selection box BECAUSE you haven’t create any.
    As you can see at your site now http://www.flagdisplays.getrheel.co.nz/
    I’ve create a sample products category and you see it will appear in the selection box of JA Content Slider.
    You can now change the product in this category to anything you want, and see it rolling on the homepage.

    kallan Friend


    Sorry I’m still a bit confused are you saying that in order for it to pick up the virtumart categories you have to create a joomla category called products?

    I got it now – I entirely missed a crucial fact that this module doesn’t link to virtumart at all

    Thanks kashxo for the answer

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