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  • sfpkent Friend


    I have developed a new website used JA Kulanite. I didn’t change at all the stucture of the template, it looks similiar to original template but the content and the image stock already attact a lot of traffic. 🙂

    I used ozio gallery to show my photo gallery, I will keep updating the photos and keep updating those articles.

    I used amazon as my affiliate:

    scotty Friend

    Great concept! A nice uncluttered site with superb images and good content. I like the tips in the web design section. Have you thought of including a forum?

    There are one or two things I’d change…

    The lineheight (the gap between each line of text) is quiet high, 1.6, I’d change this to about 1.4. It’s in the body{ class in your CSS if you agree :D.

    Also I’m not a fan of ‘justify’ being used on text in narrow columns as you have on your front page. It means…………………….you………………………. often…………………………. get…………………. huge gaps between words.

    I’ll definitely be a regular visitor as long as there is content being added.

    Nice work.

    questbg Friend

    Nice clean site, good job!

    I agree with Scotty re the justified text in narrow columns, looks a bit messy.

    sfpkent Friend

    Hi scotty and questbg,

    Yes, I am thinking of that too because I think that justify the text may be TOO NEAT to reading. Maybe you guys can give some comment on this.

    Thank you very much! 🙂

    sunrise Friend

    I like your site, and I like photography. Nice to hear you are getting traffic as well.

    Regarding justifying the text, here is a link to give some light on the subject.

    It’s more than could be talked about or written about in this thread, but an interesting subject and good to know about for Web designers.

    One little comment, I don’t know what others think, but the menu Web designing, I think it would be more correct to call it Web Design. Lke the one above, digital photography, not photographing. It is used as a noun. The title of the book on the other hand, “designing” is a verb.

    Good luck with the site, though.

    sfpkent Friend


    Thanks for sharing, I really appreciate. 🙂

    I really have to admit that I don’t have good English, please anyone spot my spelling or grammar mistake, please tell me. Thanks!

    jwellman Friend

    Although I’m not very good at taking pictures, I take them anyway. I’m constantly clicking the camera. I found myself lingering on your site and reading several articles! My overall experience while there was good. I agree on the text, as others have said. And one other thing I’m not crazy about is the photo gallery. I think it is very jumpy and hard to manipulate. Not sure what others think…so it’s probably just me! 😉

    Good luck with the site!

    wooohanetworks Friend

    You have a typo in your website title. It currently reads “Home | iPhoto World Offcial…” without the needed “i” in official.;) You also have this typo in your copyright footer. You also used “justify” for text align of articles on the frontpage, This way the text blocks contain huge spaces between words. Also when it would basically fit to use justify it will only look really good when you add some words to those lines that contain those spaces. One other pont is that the tooltips on links in the “more” sections with a lot of text flicker dramatically…

    But still a good site…:)

    sfpkent Friend


    Thanks! I changed the typo error, I think I will use text “left” rather than justify, give me some times to change them. 🙂

    Thanks for your advice.

    questbg Friend

    You may wish to change the main introduction text too…

    You have questions for photography, we have the answers for you.

    You have questions about photography? We have the answers.

    iPhotoWorld provides you photography and web designing advices

    iPhotoWorld provides photography and web design advice.

    Please update the topic when you’ve alligned the text left … I’d like to take another look.


    sfpkent Friend

    Hi questbg,

    I have changed the main introduction text. 🙂 Thanks questbg

    Coz Chinese New Year is coming, busy with CNY. I will update this topic once I have change the aligment.

    And, thanks for everyone that help me here. You guys really generous. God bless you all! 🙂

    sfpkent Friend


    Ok, I was able to squeeze some times, I changed two articles. It looks good when a image of a article in left hand side:

    But, if a image at right hand side, it looks ugly:

    What do you think guys, I believe that I stick with “Justify”.


    questbg Friend

    Hi sfpkent

    Why not try aligning the text ‘right’ when the image is on the right?

    This should look just as clean as the article with the image on the left

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Look at some major site, they simply do not care…and they are successful. Yet, you could simply add all pictures on the left side, bingo! I would not use justify.

    When you look at, they mostly have no pictures in the articles at all and look at this one, an ad on the right and the text is aligned to the left.

    Referring to the topic on your site, they do all wrong when it comes to the rules in Website design…;) especially the NY Times among others.

    Simply make the site content rich and make the users stay, in any possible way. Make the text left aligned and add all pictures in articles to the left side when you want this sorted. I would not guess the people will need the pictures left in one and on the right in the next article, most users do not care, they want to read interesting stuff and will not go because all pictures are on the left. Some 1% critics may say that but those honestly also do not care only want to say something.;)

    sfpkent Friend


    That is not totally right.

    I agree with you, with pictures or without pictures people still read it, BUT how many percentage will read, out of 100 ppl, how many will read the articles with pictures and how many will read without pictures. Have you done the survey yet?

    Some of them out there even not interested to read only text articles but with pictures we can attact them to read. Have you done this survey yet?

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