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  • wooohanetworks Friend

    <em>@sfpkent 107544 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    That is not totally right.

    I agree with you, with pictures or without pictures people still read it, BUT how many percentage will read, out of 100 ppl, how many will read the articles with pictures and how many will read without pictures. Have you done the survey yet?

    Some of them out there even not interested to read only text articles but with pictures we can attact them to read. Have you done this survey yet?</blockquote>

    Honestly, I do not care if there are pictures, only when those are pictures of products or live shots, truly educational ones and not stock images. And this is how people act, what to look on a picture that does not educate me or entertains me as the text should alone. The content is text, or text with a designated picture that is 100% related to the content of the text but not one that is really only a space filler, let it be a true diagram that shows real numbers, an animation that shows me some easy understandable information about how a digital camera works or how the human body is working, this is Angelina Jolie on her last mission to assist the poor and fitting to those the detailed text part.

    I think that the statement “pictures attract people” is false as long the pictures are what I mentioned. Actually you want to have users read and not look on a stock image. I can only say, make it like the big ones and you will succeed. Or you make it not like them and try to tell the users you are not like the big ones and present certain values, add certain notes that tell users, “here with us…blabla, we make it dfifferent than…”, but those actually do not matter to the users. This is from my point of view the big misconception in the business, to show a lot of pictures makes site look as like there was not enough text and a space filler was needed. To each designer his or her own way of creation, but this is how I think and a lot of others too, especially on the user side. Better show no pics when you have no good shots…one rule in journalism, except the yellow press.;)

    sfpkent Friend


    You still don’t understand how people read.

    As you said “I do not care if there are pictures, only when those are pictures of products or live shots, truly educational ones and not stock images.”

    That’s your perception, doesn’t mean everyone is like you. And please don’t make prejudgement on other people. I have read all of your post, you really like to force someone to follow your way. Here is forum, it is free to express opinion. You have your own opinion and others have theirs. There are many types of people in this world.

    You said again “I think that the statement “pictures attract people” is false as long the pictures are what I mentioned.”

    Yes, you are right coz YOU THINK. Again, don’t apply your perception to others. As I told you I have done my research before regarding this topic. If you really wants to convince me, show me the result. Don’t just say “I think”, “I believe” etc. Because those are your opinion.

    Share with you something, in real life you have to learn what is FACT and what is OPINION. Do your own research and get the FACT so that you have prove to others that is FACT but not your own OPINION. πŸ™‚

    jwellman Friend

    I think photos do play a large part. I have not done research into the matter but I do know that when I’m surfing the internet catching my eye with a photograph is crucial. I love pictures. I read an article once and I’ll see if I can find it. It said that most users spend five minutes or less on a site. Occasionally you will find those that stay and linger, and actually read the content, but most come for their answer and leave. Our job is to make the content (and graphics) interesting enough to keep them there. In my book, excellent graphics and photography do that. People want quick answers and that’s it. KISS (Keep it simple stupid) is an excellent motto. πŸ˜‰

    Last month Scotty entered one of his sites in the December SOTM. Had I not been voting for myself, I would have voted for his site. The first thing I said was, “Wow…check out his graphics.” He did an awesome job.

    Anyway… just my two cents. πŸ˜‰

    scotty Friend

    Well thank you Jessica!

    I agree. When a webpage opens the first thing a person looks at is what catches their eye first (D’OH!). This is always going to be an image, an animation, or a heading title, never a paragraph of normal text. If the images and headings are not enough to interest them into reading further then they won’t. Simple as that.

    Everyone who reads this post…

    will read the line above and continue to the text your reading now. Why? because it’s short and it sticks out from the rest and most important… it’s got your attention. How many started to read the post by reading the red line before reading the paragraph above it I wonder?

    Of course if I’d written the whole post in this red text then it would not have the same effect. Similarly if a page is made up almost entirely of images it is often the small bit of text that will grab the readers attention.

    Heading are extremely important…

    They are almost certainly going to be read by your visitors and so should always hold your most important information. They are also extremely highly regarded by search bots and so should also hold your most important keywords.

    Likewise, paragraphs should be kept as short as possible (ATT: Wooh!). People do not like to see a long paragraph of text they know is going to take 2 minutes to read. A page full of short paragraphs is far more likely to be read than a page of one long paragraph.

    Double spacing paragraphs like this is also a good idea. And sorry sfpkent, justifying text in a narrow column is not. It means the text does not ‘flow’ and this irritates the reader.

    Use sub-headings too…
    Jessica mentioned one of my sites above. (still not optimised for 1024×768) According to my Joomlawatch stats, visitors spend just 5-10 seconds on each page. They see the product and the price and that’s all they want to know. They usually browse the site and return to the pages containing the products they are interested in.

    WoohHonestly, I do not care if there are pictures, only when those are pictures of products or live shots, truly educational ones and not stock images.

    How will you know unless you look at them first? Whether they contain stock photos or not is unimportant. What is important is that they persuade the visitor they have found what they are looking for and should read on…

    sfpkent Friend


    100% agree with you. πŸ™‚ And thanks for sharing.

    jwellman Friend

    Hi sfpkent…
    I meant to tell you in an earlier post and forgot. The link in your signature lines contains an extra (.com) and is not opening correctly because of the error.


    sfpkent Friend


    Thank you, thank you. Really thank you for all who help me to spot my errors. πŸ™‚ Joomlart forum is really helpful. πŸ™‚

    sunrise Friend

    <em>@sfpkent 107570 wrote:</em><blockquote>That’s your perception, doesn’t mean everyone is like you. And please don’t make prejudgement on other people. I have read all of your post, you really like to force someone to follow your way. Here is forum, it is free to express opinion. You have your own opinion and others have theirs. There are many types of people in this world.</blockquote>

    Very good. Here is a quote I read that I really like just on the same topic of perception:

    β€œIt is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all there is to perceive.”

    As long as we realize that and present it as our perception, our view and offer suggestions, I don’t think anyone mind. Most people are actually happy for advice and suggestions as long as they are presented at such.

    scotty Friend

    Small error on this page. It says “here are seven tips” but there are actually only five.

    sfpkent Friend

    Hi Scotty,

    Thank you and I have changed it. I changed moved all my pictures and texts to left as well. You guys really helpful. I love you guys. πŸ˜€

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

This topic contains 25 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sfpkent 15 years, 9 months ago.

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