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  • ch2856 Friend


    I am very sorry to say, but I am very disappointing from the level of your support .
    Here is an answer I got from one of your support staff :

    Hi Ran,

    By default, the Komento always shows full width.

    I tried to switch to the default template of Joomla (protostar). The content of article will show in full width like the Komento.

    But in the JA Magz template, you have some modules in the “sidebar-2” position and assign to some menu items, thus the content of article will not show in full width as in the Komento: http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/705/1824040441.jpg

    To have the width of Komento in accordance with the width of article, pls try to raise your case to the Komento’s forum (http://stackideas.com/forums/index/komento) to get better help.


    Nazário A
    JoomlArt Customer Service.

    Really guys? that’s your answer? well have a look at the these print screen
    Same problem with jcomments as well and all works fine on other template. I guess it’s the modification you made to com_content/article, maybe the next/prev article modification?

    The answer should be simple. I can understand answers like “you can’t use it with this template”, “you need to pay someone to modify the template”….but please, don’t give me joomla first timer answer.


    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    As you have started a new Thread, it is very difficult to understand the problem you are having.
    Could you please provide the link to the original Thread?

    If this is actually regarding a Support Ticket – could you also provide the Ticket #.


    ch2856 Friend


    Thanks for your replay.

    Support ticket:#IMS-789-93626

    The issue is very simple. Aside from using disqus which works just fine, every other comment component (komento and jcomments in this case) is being displayed outside <article> tag (outside article-body specifically).

    All can be seen in the link I have posted:
    protostar: http://shar.es/T5qDU
    JA Magz: http://shar.es/T5qV8

    Kind Regards,

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi Ran,

    I am lining up your ticket to be checked again and no worries if its our bug, we will fix it for you as well as for the template.



    ch2856 Friend

    Hi Arvind,

    I am a long time user of JA products and actually never needed a real support since JA products just worked as they intended. So for my upgraded website from j1.5 to j3.x it was natural for me to choose JA again (and I am sure i’ll keep doing it in the future).
    I have no doubt that this issue will be solved.


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Ran,

    I just checked your site and it seems you has switched to JA Teline III template. Could you switch it back to JA Magz so that I can see issue? and PM me correct URL to access backend and ftp credentials of site,I will investigate further and try to help you out.


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Ran,

    I just to installed Komento component in my local site, you can try with following suggestion:

    – Navigate to this directory: templatesja_magzhtmlcom_contentarticle

    – Open file: default.php , at approx line 270, remove this block of code: http://prntscr.com/3arlw5

    <?php if ($exinfo['type'] == 'text'): ?>
    <?php echo $this->item->event->afterDisplayContent; ?>
    <?php endif ?>

    – Go to file: default_text.php, about line 146, add this line of code: http://prntscr.com/3arm2w

    <?php echo $this->item->event->afterDisplayContent; ?>

    In case that you’ve not customized these 2 files, you can get my attached files and copy to above directory (remember to backup old files first)

    Then let me know how it goes 🙂

    1. article.zip
    ch2856 Friend


    Just perfect!

    Thank you very much.


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ch2856 10 years, 9 months ago.

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