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  • leoweb Friend

    He …

    i have installed the ns pro component and it is not listed in the fields component to override them.
    what can i do about it ??


    pavit Moderator

    leoweb can you be more clear ?

    you want override the news pro component ?

    leoweb Friend

    Yes right !!
    look at the picture, but its a newletter component

    1. profile
    pavit Moderator

    Ah ok

    You have cleaned your JaT3 cache ?

    leoweb Friend

    yes i did


    pavit Moderator


    I have simulated on my localhost and it works

    try to uninstall and reinstall

    leoweb Friend

    Okay thanks i will try ..

    leoweb Friend

    <em>@leoweb 269729 wrote:</em><blockquote>Okay thanks i will try ..</blockquote>

    so its still the same .. but i will try to make a new installtion of it because i uprade my joomla from 15. > 1.7
    and i think that can be the problem ….

    Phill Moderator

    Is the JA NewsPro extension available to free members?

    leoweb Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 269766 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is the JA NewsPro extension available to free members?</blockquote>

    there is a free and a commercial one, i`m using the commercial one NS pro
    It will cost you 15 €

    Phill Moderator

    Ahh, the penny drops. There was mention of the news pro extension above hence the confusion. Let’s see what happens when you upgrade.

    leoweb Friend

    so ….

    i installed a new joonla 1.7

    jat3 framework
    ns pro

    and it is not in the list …
    is this a ns pro component problem because i see the com_jumi is in the list ??

    can i do it maybe manually ??


    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>can i do it maybe manually ??</blockquote>

    I think this could be a solution

    <blockquote>is this a ns pro component problem because i see the com_jumi is in the list ??</blockquote>

    So i think the problem is in the ns pro

    Phill Moderator

    The list is simply read from the database from the JA end so if the ns component is not showing it is probably best to ask the ns team if they could investigate.

    mavrosxristoforos Friend

    Hello. I am the developer of NS Pro. Thank you for all your replies here.

    After installing multiple components on a JA T3 Blank template, I found out that this is a bug in the JA T3 code. The problem is in file:
    (site_root)/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/admin/util.php at line 88.

    The query is SELECT `name`, `element` AS “option”
    but then, at line 94, there is a call to
    $components = $db->loadResultArray();

    loadResultArray will just load the name column and forget about the “element” column which is aliased as option in this query.
    Then, the loop checks for the components that have a front-end by adding their “name” after the JPATH_SITE/components/

    Although, that doesn’t work for components which are J1.5 compatible. For your component to work with J1.5, you have to keep the name without the COM_ prefix, or else it is included in a directory COM_COM_COMPONENTNAME in J1.5 and COM_COMPONENTNAME in J1.7

    If you remove the name column from line 88, like this:
    SELECT `element` AS “option”

    then every component which has a front-end is correctly loaded, as the option is the correct column for this check.
    Please fix on the next update (it’s just one line fix).

    Thanks again!

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

This topic contains 18 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  leoweb 13 years, 2 months ago.

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