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  • rusty1001 Friend

    Xenia soucre files, as above. any ideas, thanks

    Menalto Friend

    Get more RAM in your computer, or close everything else you use and just have photoshop open.

    MuffinDCC Friend

    The files may be small, but Photoshop is still a bloated product and takes so much RAM. Like Menalto said, get more RAM 🙂

    Speaking of which, I still need to upgrade mine 🙂

    Michael Casha Friend

    <em>@MuffinDCC 25992 wrote:</em><blockquote>The files may be small, but Photoshop is still a bloated product and takes so much RAM. Like Menalto said, get more RAM 🙂

    Speaking of which, I still need to upgrade mine :)</blockquote>
    Well, personally I have 1GB of ram with ms windows vista and photoshop cs3 – mine runs fine but obviously if you have less ram you may need to upgrade it.

    This is something you need to take up with Adobe, however if you need an image made you can post in the appropriate area.

    MuffinDCC Friend

    I was thinking of upgrading mine from 1GB to 4GB. It runs Photoshop fine by itself but I normally have many other Apps open as well = crash.

    rusty1001 Friend

    <em>@rusty1001 25979 wrote:</em><blockquote>Xenia soucre files, as above. any ideas, thanks</blockquote>

    Thanks guys — I have other files open about 100 times bigger and still get the same message , is a joomla art problem, please resolve this issue, thanks ps I have 4 large files open now plus other small and can still open more files but not any from xenia sourcce files, have 500 megs
    the file is only 34 k that I trying to open, . cheers

    rusty1001 Friend

    Hi I have just downloaded again, does not work, but other files from other tmplates do….please check..

    kashxo Friend

    As check per request, I’ve just downloaded Xenia source files and open all PSD files one by one, I’ve got no errors or warnings so far. Which program you used to open PSD files? (photoshop?). I am using Adobe Photoshop CS2 with 512 MB ram with no problems. Maybe you should check your windows or your computer, or may be the lack of text font in the PSD files cause your problems.

    rusty1001 Friend

    thanks PS 6 , i will check the fonts could be the reason, thanks

    tried that – added the fonts to the windows/ font folder …no change…is there somewhere else? , you are right, as I could actually open on file with fonts now that I think about it,

    ErikThorsen Friend

    A bit off topic, I know but what are you researching kashxo?

    As for the PS, I guess you do have some problems/issues with either you PS or your computer as I haven’t had any problems with any Joomlart PSD files. And I do think I have opened them all….

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