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  • nnyorker Friend

    Hi – I just installed quickinstall package and published new articles to existing categorys. They so not show up on the front page.
    Under the existing category “Entertainment” – I published articles under the following subcategories:
    -Music, TV, Movies
    (see screenshots attachment # 1 & 2)

    Then when I go into settings under “Entertainment” and not change anything, but hit save, they appear, but now the styling for the category above Entertainment (Health) and the two below (world and technology) are all pushed to the right.
    (screenshot attachment 3)

    Hope you can help
    Thanks Becky

    1. Snap1
    2. Snap2
    3. Snap3
    nnyorker Friend

    Hi – Hoping someone can help me out with this. It’s been several days and I’m wondering if I will be able to use this template.

    madelman2012 Friend

    What is the value in “Article Order: in the mod_janewspro module displayed on the frontpage?

    I think when you install the template that is set to “order”. Change it “Most Recent First” and cache time reduced it to 300 or clean T3 cache.

    See what happens.

    MoonSailor Friend


    You are using wordpress. Are you moved framework?

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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