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  • jaybrd1 Friend

    Hello, first just want to say I love the Purity II Template.

    I have searched this site, and googled, looking for explanation on how to change the right column width in Purity II. I have only found answers for the original Purity.

    Could someone please help me figure this out?

    larenz Friend

    I have the same question. Was looking it code but until now nothing. I have poor knowledge of js and php so is so hard to me find it easily.

    Some changes I get them touching its code, making some changes over here, over there, but with this kind of framework I feel like I went back 3 years ago, jejejeje!

    I hope somebody could answer this question.

    korb Friend

    I want to do same thing: modify columns width…. but I want to calculate column width after a fixed width for left column.

    jaybrd1 Friend

    I really do not want to sound impatient, but I am kinda curious about why nobody from JA has responded to this request for help. I know it’s only been a 4 days, but I mighted of expected some sort of response.

    If I sound fustrated, it is because I was in the midst of paying money for a membership here, then decided to try the new framework first. I am concerned that if I pay for a membership, that I might recieve this same sort of support. I have heard good things about JA and the templates are really improving, and the template for Purity II loads quick, I would like to see a little support.

    Now that I am done ranting, I still respect what you at JA have done and appreciate all you have put into a FREE template.

    I still would like an answer to the original post.

    larenz Friend

    I´m still the same position as you. I know they are making desings, answering paid members, etc., … only know they made this template free for everyone of us, but someone of they can take a little time to give us a explain how to get the wide for columns.

    For example I want to have 10px between each column (main, left and right) but first I need to make some changes for width and I don´t know how to do it.

    Please, some one explain us how can we edit the original values for columns width

    rikh Friend

    +1 the same question.

    musicinme Friend

    I’ve played with width of the left and right coulm by changin value in layout.css

    --------------------------------------------------------- */
    .ja-colswrap {}
    .ja-col {}

    /* Left Column ---*/
    #ja-left .ja-l2 .ja-left1, #ja-left .ja-l2 .ja-left2 { width: 50%; }
    #ja-left .ja-l1 .ja-col { width: 100%; }

    /* Right Column ---*/
    #ja-right { float: right; }
    #ja-right .ja-r2 .ja-right1, #ja-right .ja-r2 .ja-right2 { width: 50%; }
    #ja-right .ja-r1 .ja-col { width: 100%; }

    And it’s enough for me. But I’m sure you guys asking for somthing more complicated 😉

    jaybrd1 Friend

    Thanks musicinme, however, I had played with that, it has done nothing for me.
    Out of the box, the right column width is set to 20%, I would prefer to have it set at 280px when it is visible. I would play with percentages if I could find out where to do that!

    At this time I cannot find tha location that they decided that the right column is 20%. After using firefox addons, I was able to inspect the coding for the column, but unfortunately, when it comes to width, it on says
    <blockquote>element.style {
    #ja-right {

    it is that “element.style” that I need to find, to see where it got those instructions. I know it is in there somewhere, but hidden well!

    larenz Friend

    element.style means the code is taken directly from template (.js, .php, etc) and not directly from any css file (layout.css, template.css, etc), so as you may know we can´t find the right file where this code is from.

    I´ve been looking for this command but until now nothing, unfortunately I only know a little about js and php, but sooner or later somebody will tell us or maybe I´ll find it.

    The fact is that I need to have a custom width where it can fix a banner of 300px or 320px. I know I can activate right-mass-top and put a position in there, but when it gets active its width is too much bigger, so I need to find anyway how to customs widths…

    So if any smarter guy can help us… GOD BLESS YOU! and we´ll thank you!

    musicinme Friend

    You’ve right, Larenz. Well, Im not smart, and my english ist terrible, so I suggest you to look in

    templates/ja_purity_ii/layouts/blocks/left.php / right.php

    First lines in both files are responsible for widht of columns. For example:

    <?php if (($l = $this->getColumnWidth('l'))): ?>
    <!-- LEFT COLUMN-->
    <div id="ja-left" class="column sidebar" style="width:<?php echo $l ?>%">

    So maybe you can do something like me, I mean put there value you want to have

    <?php if (($l = $this->getColumnWidth('l'))): ?>
    <!-- LEFT COLUMN-->
    <div id="ja-left" class="column sidebar" style="width: 50px">

    but in this case you will notice a big space betwen left column and mainbody. This is just my suggestion, but probably I’m going in good direction. Let me know, what you think.

    zvoran Friend

    Right yall! This Ok. Some php file makes the “element.style”. (i think) Because i use rounded menu style on the left side (so i have two columns on the left) i changed the left-rounded.php. I changed this line:

    style=”width:<?php echo $l ?>%” to style=”width:40%”
    style=”width:<?php echo $this->getColumnWidth(‘l2’)?>%” to style=”width:40%”
    style=”width:<?php echo $this->getColumnWidth(‘l2’)?>%” to style=”width:60%”

    but it’s hang on what types of column styles use you.

    i hope its working for all!

    korb Friend

    I would like to make an automatic calculation for main and right based on a fixed constant width of left in pixels. SO it does not help me, you can try again 🙂

    larenz Friend

    Surely it doesn´t help you but sure is helping us to better understand the code and fix it. The most funny part of all this is a Joomlart Team Member is not over here trying to help us… jejejeje.. anyway maybe this will help us and we´ll learn, in fact we´re doing.

    I haven´t time to check some codes you post over here but surely I´ll do and will comment about it. Thanks for all who are participating on this thread. We´re growing up together…

    See you!

    korb Friend

    I already checked that code you spoke above, long ago, but I want to be able to manage the width in px not in %. This way I can use a fixed left width, and variable width for main and right, for all screen sizes :P.
    I know we have to learn also. to be able to DIY, but in this case a little support is needed.

    larenz Friend

    Had any of you checked the file ja.template.helper.php on line 506? I was playing around and I get some changes but not exactly yet.

    $l = $l1 = $l2 = 0;
    $left1 = $this->getPositionName (‘left1’);
    $left2 = $this->getPositionName (‘left2’);
    $mt = $this->getPositionName (‘left-mass-top’);
    $mb = $this->getPositionName (‘left-mass-bottom’);
    if ($this->countModules (“$mt”) || $this->countModules (“$mb”) || ($this->countModules (“$left1”) && $this->countModules (“$left2”))) {
    $l = 2;
    $l1 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘left1’);
    $l2 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘left2’);
    } else if ($this->countModules(“$left1”)) {
    $l = 1;
    $l1 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘left1’);
    } else if ($this->countModules(“$left2″)) {
    $l = 1;
    $l2 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘left2’);
    $cls_l = $l?”l$l”:””;
    $l = $l1 + $l2;

    $r = $r1 = $r2 = 0;
    $right1 = $this->getPositionName (‘right1’);
    $right2 = $this->getPositionName (‘right2’);
    $mt = $this->getPositionName (‘right-mass-top’);
    $mb = $this->getPositionName (‘right-mass-bottom’);
    if ($this->countModules (“$mt”) || $this->countModules (“$mb”) || ($this->countModules (“$right1”) && $this->countModules (“$right2”))) {
    $r = 2;
    $r1 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘right1’);
    $r2 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘right2’);
    } else if ($this->countModules(“$right1”)) {
    $r = 1;
    $r1 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘right1’);
    } else if ($this->countModules(“$right2″)) {
    $r = 1;
    $r2 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘right2’);
    $cls_r = $r?”r$r”:””;
    $r = $r1 + $r2;

    $inset1 = $this->getPositionName (‘inset1’);
    $inset2 = $this->getPositionName (‘inset2’);
    if ($this->countModules(“$inset1”)) $i1 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘inset1’);
    if ($this->countModules(“$inset2″)) $i2 = $this->getColumnBasedWidth (‘inset2’);

    $this->_colwidth [‘r’] = $r;
    if ($r) {
    $this->_colwidth [‘r1’] = round($r1 * 100 / $r);
    $this->_colwidth [‘r2’] = 100 – $this->_colwidth [‘r1’];
    $this->_colwidth [‘mw’] = 100 – $r;
    $m = 100 – $l -$r;
    $this->_colwidth [‘l’] = ($l + $m)?round($l * 100 / ($l + $m)):0;
    if ($l) {
    $this->_colwidth [‘l1’] = round($l1 * 100 / $l);
    $this->_colwidth [‘l2’] = 100 – $this->_colwidth [‘l1’];
    $this->_colwidth [‘m’] = 100 – $this->_colwidth [‘l’];

    $c = $m – $i1 – $i2;
    $this->_colwidth [‘i2’] = round($i2 * 100 / $m);
    $this->_colwidth [‘cw’] = 100 – $this->_colwidth [‘i2’];
    $this->_colwidth [‘i1’] = ($c+$i1)?round($i1 * 100 / ($c+$i1)):0;
    $this->_colwidth [‘c’] = 100 – $this->_colwidth [‘i1′];

    $cls_li = $this->countModules ($inset1)?’l1′:”;
    $cls_ri = $this->countModules ($inset1)?’r1’:”;

    $this->_colwidth [‘cls_w’] = ($cls_l || $cls_r)?”ja-$cls_l$cls_r”:””;
    $this->_colwidth [‘cls_m’] = ($cls_li || $cls_ri)?”ja-$cls_li$cls_ri”:””;
    $this->_colwidth [‘cls_l’] = $this->countModules (“$left1 && $left2″)?”ja-l2”:($this->countModules (“$left1 || $left2″)?”ja-l1″:””);
    $this->_colwidth [‘cls_r’] = $this->countModules (“$right1 && $right2″)?”ja-r2”:($this->countModules (“$right1 || $right2″)?”ja-r1″:””);

    I´m still trying to understand the code above but maybe I have to Google for it. Think this code does all the work of adding or subtracting wides for columns. You can also check right.php, left.php and you´ll see a variable, so that variable calls this code, that´s what I think and maybe somebody else can try with a bit of luck

    I keep trying…. greetings

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 41 total)

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