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  • TomC Moderator

    <em>@bigrk 46131 wrote:</em><blockquote>No, actually it is your loss. We have debated this a couple of times before. You say what you say and I say that it is all about content and presentation. I freely display my site for all to see,, not because I’ve won the SOTM or other awards but to show what you can do with a very nice existing JA template. Still a little creativity helps but it all starts with the content.[/quote]
    Content which YOU create and add – not JoomlART.

    <em>@bigrk 46131 wrote:</em><blockquote> I have over 400 pages on my site and in a lot of it I show my writing skills and my photography. Also I have people from around this world that contact me to post their press releases and news stories because of the existing content and popularity with my regular readers.[/quote]
    Based on what YOU have done with your site – not JoomlART.

    <em>@bigrk 46131 wrote:</em><blockquote> When you get past the notion that it is more important to specialize in the basic template development and customization then you might be able to finally publish a website to demonstrate what you preach.[/quote]
    Okay – Which is it ? . . . . basic template development or customization that is more important?

    The fact that I take pride in my final product to choose not to release it prematurely based on some kind of quasi-pressure or baiting tactic doesn’t negate nor lessen the validity of my comments and arguments on this issue in any way shape or form. I’m glad for you that you completed your site to the point where YOU felt you were ready to release/showcase it . Heck, I even voted for your site when it was up for site of the month – because I felt you did a good job at CUSTOMIZING it to suit your needs. I have not yet reached that point.

    <em>@bigrk 46131 wrote:</em><blockquote> I appreciate a lot of what you have to say and the help that you provide to users here at JA but at the times you preach and it really does no one any good especially the person that is asking for help. Sorry but this is how I feel about the way you treat some folks in this forum.</blockquote>
    So, asking questions is treating people badly?

    I am entitled to my positions and opinions as much as anyone else is. I do not use profanity or derrogatory superlatives – I simply present my poisiton/arguments on a matter. If some disagree and/or it rubs some the wrong way, nothing I can do about that. Some people may be a bit more sensative than others – that’s fine . . . different strokes for different folks.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@Hung Dinh 46126 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    What I have promised is we will try to deliver and work seriously on the request which does not mean that JA have to delivery what you want.

    If you are really not happy with our delivered templates, just PM me and I can provide a full refund of your membership (which is not applied in our Terms of Use)</blockquote>
    Well said, Hung . . . Well said.

    bigrk Friend

    Tom, All of your points are valid and I would like to end this by saying that I have probably reacted improperly to your post. I just needed to push my position on this topic again. As far as Hung and his reaction I thought it to be just plain wrong to be offering to push any member down the road because of an ongoing request that he has been avoiding for quite a while. I am also mad at JA for not awarding me anything for winning the SOTM contest. There excuse is that they already gave me a developers membership because I became a moderator. So they gave me nothing at all but an excuse to not give me anything. I appreciate your vote but it was all for nothing. A whole month of the contest was wasted because of their inability to follow through on a promised prize. It is a really sore bone of contention for me and the original post in this thread brought it all back to the forefront. JA just needs to follow through on not just a few things but everything they promise.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bigrk 46214 wrote:</em><blockquote>Tom, All of your points are valid and I would like to end this by saying that I have probably reacted improperly to your post. I just needed to push my position on this topic again. [/quote]
    This is fine . . . You are most certainly entitled to your position and arguments as much as anyone. We all get frustrated at times – it’s natural. Hey, truth be told, I would like to see some increased ingenuity in future JA Template releases as well – such as a Social Networking theme, or a Classifieds/Auction theme, or an Online Magazine theme.

    The thing is, also … I don’t think Hung or anyone else at JA expects it’s members to be unyieldingly exclusive to only JoomlArt products. If they do,then I submit thet they are being somewhat naive. Let’s face it, JoomlArt doesn’t offer everything one wants/needs. As such, if someone sees a template from another club that offers the kind of features, look/feel, functions that one wants, then I would think the JA Staff would be reasonable enough to understand that people will go where the desired product(s) is. This is actually what makes market competition such a great thing – it keeps providers/vendors on their toes to provide the best service/products they can for their customers – else the customers will find the value they seek elsewhere.

    Not trying to take a dig into JA or anyone else – that’s just the reality of how the market works.

    <em>@bigrk 46214 wrote:</em><blockquote>I am also mad at JA for not awarding me anything for winning the SOTM contest . . . A whole month of the contest was wasted because of their inability to follow through on a promised prize. It is a really sore bone of contention for me and the original post in this thread brought it all back to the forefront. JA just needs to follow through on not just a few things but everything they promise[/quote]
    Okay, that I can understand . . . especially since it was said flat out that there would be a prize. The prize situation should have been in place prior to any contests – else make it clear that the contest is for “glory/recognition” only.

    As with anything/everything in life . . . it’s a learning experience. It is my hope, as well, that the JA Staff will learn from constructive comments, suggestions and concerns – and take/respond to them them seriously and sincerely.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    <em>@bigrk 46135 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hung, I don’t agree with your statemen….!</blockquote>

    Hi bigrk,.,
    There are points that come out of frustration and stress which may not be right but if you were in my shoe you may have taken it not that seriously.

    I am offering a refund for TeeTide because all of his posts around the forum is request and request and request. I confess that there have been promises JA could not make it before the deadline but we all delivered promise in the end.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 46219 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    As with anything/everything in life . . . it’s a learning experience. It is my hope, as well, that the JA Staff will learn from constructive comments, suggestions and concerns – and take/respond to them them seriously and sincerely.</blockquote>

    Thank you tcraw1010, this thread is my learning experience as well. I do see the mistakes that I have made and take it seriously.

    However, the mistakes I have made is also part of my effort to make members happy but I fail to do it with all of our effort.

    1. First TeeTide asked for another news Portal like JA Teline with features A, B, C…

    2. Requests noted and I assured that we will try to see if we can create something as your request

    3. I talked and worked with the team, they started to come up with good layout but not News portal

    4. And the deadline of template delivery was just a few days away, we had to put the team back to choose the best from those concepts and finalize the release package.

    5. A few days later TeeTide asked when there would the News portal again. I have to answer that we will try to release a kinda of news portal in one of the 4 coming templates.

    6. Designers spent time on News portal concepts, and still we could not approve the layout because it fall below JA quality. The news portal concept was delivered as
    JA Edinite

    7. Again, TeeTide kept posting the request in the forum, PMs and everytime I see the username, it remind me a burden of the news portal that we have to deliver.

    My conclusion: Although I still have time with my promise to deliver a News portal but I decide to withdraw my promise because I feel that if I have to fulfill every request and wishlist this way JA will soon go out concept and creativeness.

    I treat customer’s request seriously and I would like to say sorry publically to TeeTide that we can not deliver templates as per your requests. You can keep an eyes on the coming templates to see if there will be a template that suit your need.

    However, I hope you guys also look at the bright side of this request is that JA has delivered “quite good” templates recently.

    My lesson:

    I will not make any promise about what template we will be delivering but I will keep reading the Request and Wishlist of members and try to put them into template productions. If a request or wishlist is fullfiled, that is we have tried hard behind the screen.

    mfcphil Friend

    Maybe some people can now see why if you would have been allowed to go to one template a month more time could have been spent on creating the type of templates people are asking for…I wonder how many customers are still wanting quantity over quality. :confused:

    Keep up the great work Hung and your team

    bigrk Friend

    Hung, Thanks for your remarks and honesty. I would like to take back mine as well and move on with the daily improvement that I have been seeing in this forum on my regular visits. I don’t know everything that is pushed in your direction and might become overwelmed with the intensity of some users if I did. I personally have made other requests for templates and the JA team did release one within a resonable amount of time and I appreciated that one a bunch. I’ve become tired of this issue and post and would like to see it deleted and forgotten about. It was a bad day for all.

    mfcphil Friend

    Well done Randy takes a big man to do what you have 😎

    teetide Friend

    Fair enough Hung. Apology accepted.

    If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. All I wanted was a straight answer.

    Let’s move on.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Let’s move on.
    It has been a bad time for all of us but ou guys has been so great.
    Thread closed

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

This topic contains 26 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 16 years, 6 months ago.

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