test melih
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  • craigs Friend

    Greetings all

    I have a quick question regarding the instructions for installing JA Avian II as posted on the sticky in this forum.

    Step d2 says to add the module positions in the Joomla administrator. However in doing some research, it looks like the interface to create those positions has been deprecated, and they are now set inside XML in the template itself.

    In looking at the screen shots, I can see that when the positions are NOT in place you have some graphic elements that are not displayed properly, like the news enteries printing over the logo.

    That is exactly what is happening in my install at this time. Any thouights on how to create the module positions that I need?

    Joomla verstion 1.5 release
    Template JA Avian II (downloaded last night)

    TIA Craig

    Hieu Nguyen Admin

    There are 2 ways to create a new module position in Joomla! 1.5.

    1. Type the position’s name directly to “Position” select box.
    – Go to Aministration Page
    – Go to Extensions -> Modules Manager
    – Click on the module you want to place in new position
    – Type the position’s name directly to “Position” select box (See pic for more details)

    2. Edit templateDetails.xml
    – Open templateDetails.xml with you favorite text editor (eg. notepad…). This file should be at the template folder.
    – Find the lines contain <positions>….</positions>. You will see some default positions already defined here. Just add your own one to it. For example, to add a “masscol” position, i will put in the code below:


    Hope it helps! 🙂

    1. module_guide
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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hieu Nguyen 17 years ago.

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