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  • orsomannaro Friend

    I would like to install a multilanguages JA Megastore site.

    At the last step of installation process, quickstart fails to install additional languages.

    This is the error message:

    "Joomla! was not able to connect to the languages server. Please finish the installation process."

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    I have installed quickstart JA Megastore template at my end and install additional languages but I could not see the problem, https://cl.ly/0G1U3D1F353l

    You can try to download the language from Joomla! Translation here and install it on your site.

    Hope it helps


    orsomannaro Friend


    You are in the administration interface. This works for me too.

    But the problem, as I said, appear "At the last step of installation process".

    Joomla installation permit, at last step of the process, to configure a multilanguage site. For some reason this step fails (error message "Joomla! was not able to connect to the languages server. Please finish the installation process.") with JA Megastore quickstart package.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    You can ignore this step because you can install the language from Languages: Installed section.


    1. Screen-Shot-2016-11-07-at-10.36.36
    2. Screen-Shot-2016-11-07-at-10.34.29
    orsomannaro Friend

    You can ignore this step because you can install the language from [Languages: Installed] section.

    Yes, I know. But this doesn’t solve the problem. The bug stay there.

    And… why Joomla developers team has build this feature if we can install the language from [Languages: Installed] section?

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    You can ingore that step and give me the credential info: URL and admin login backend of your site via private reply and let me know which language do you want to install on your site? I will help you out


    orsomannaro Friend

    I will help you out

    Thanks for the offer, Ninja Lead. But I don’t need help.

    I just wanted to warn Joomlart team of the problem. Hoping you are interested.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    I raised this bug to development team here and they will fix and release it soon


    Ninja Lead Moderator


    You can apply hotfix to solve the problem on your site

    • Download and extract both files

    • Copy them to installation/sql/mysql/ folder

    Try to reinstall it again, let me know the result


    1. hotfix-1.zip
Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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