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  • hisnibs Friend

    So here I am, experiencing problems getting Justicia intalled on 1.5 and wishing a new to Joomla / php person could get a break and get a template that just installs like the others he uses……and then …. POOF! A Justicia quickstart appears right when I am ready loose all faith.


    So what is needed to install this? What do I need to do in regards to database?

    Thanks in advance….:

    mj1256 Friend

    my opinion, but if you are new to joomla and PHP i wouldn’t start with joomla1.5. It is still under developement, buggy and not everything is compatible yet.

    I would install 1.0.12 or .13 and then install the template and related modules

    hisnibs Friend

    I appreciate that. I’m assuming your intentions are good. But in 1994 I didn’t know anything about the web and waiting till 97 would have been a major set back. In this situation I am a customer buying a product based on the experience I have had with similar products for this same version of Joomla. JoomlaArt advertised a working template for 1.5, I buy it. I want it to work or have instructions for me to follow to make it work. Am I wrong?

    Now….with this quickstart, I have something I am interested in tweaking about and will probably be driven to learn a little faster, verses sitting on my butt waiting for perfection that never comes in an constantly evolving situation.

    At worst, I am a demanding SOB. On the other hand, I am not canceling my order either. So someone in this business made a buck…. That’s a good thing. 😉

    hisnibs Friend

    The JA Justicia Template looks great . I installed from the Quickstart file by removing an existing 1.5 site and its database. Let the playing begin!

    qiddees Friend

    I had a few problems setting up the joomla 1.5 mods so I figured I would delete the joomla installation completely (as well as the database) and start from scratch with the Quickstart installation.

    ..but how is it meant to be used? I assumed it came with all the files to set up the template similar to the demo, but it is nothing there. And when I tried to install the mods again I’m told it cannot because of the directories already exist..

    What have I done wrong?

    shackbase Friend

    I would like to know this as well – if I upload the quickstart – all the mods are uploaded but not installed, and if I try to upload then it tells me the directory/file already exists… :/



    shackbase Friend

    ok – figured out how to install the quickstart.

    Just run the /installation/install1.php file and set it up from there.

    However, the Justicia quickstart does NOT come with the images for the demo articles. :/ FYI:


    mj1256 Friend

    I do the same, i’ve got to try everything

    my point is that joomla 1.5 isn’t ready for prime time and still has issues, not the template, and that the providers of the template can’t be responsible for joomla1.5 issues

    now..that said, .i also have tried 1.5 and the template

    Menalto Friend

    <em>@babyzsmile 33934 wrote:</em><blockquote>Help. I have copied over everything to godaddy.com for this domain but I don’t know what to do next. I can’t get to the installation folder. It says that it needs to remove it. HELP!http://www.illusive-design.com</blockquote>

    Rename the configuration.php file

    nickolai Friend

    <em>@Menalto 33935 wrote:</em><blockquote>Rename the configuration.php file</blockquote>

    What do you rename the configuration.php file?

    nickolai Friend

    Oh, ok, delete it or rename it anything other then what it is.

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