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  • corbu123 Friend

    Greetings, I’m having an issue installing the quickstart package for Bookshop. I created the database on the server, everything is going fine until the last screen and instead of getting a confirmation of successful install, it’s simply going back to the third page, no error message.

    The folks over at hostgator could not figure it out either, has anyone else encountered this? We suspect it might be something with the config file. I’ve used the quickstart packages in the past and it always worked fine?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    When you finished to install Quickstart package, did you have rename “installation” folder from your hosting? You can try to look the use guide here and find “Step 5: Remove or Rename the “installation” folder

    If you still face the same error on your site. Please pm me the infos below

    FTP Username:
    FTP Password:
    Database Name:
    Database Username:
    Database Password:

    cPanel/Host Manager login URL
    cPanel Username:
    cPanel Password:
    Folder to install:

    I will help to check further.

    corbu123 Friend

    Ninja, did you have a chance to check on this? I can send more information upon request.


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@corbu123 418816 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ninja, did you have a chance to check on this? I can send more information upon request.


    I am sorry for replying this late, just be back from our weekend.

    I have checked your site and see it’s working with JA Vintas Template. Do you need our help with JA Bookshop Template? If you do, please let me know.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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