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  • osseo Friend


    I’ve already did the installation twice (wipe clean before I start over) and I still couldn’t figure out why my Ja Appolio “quickstart” package installed site looks different than the demo site.

    I’m using the Joomla 3.2 quickstart package download.
    Here is my url: http://luludigi.com/

    Please point me to the right direction, thanks much.

    TomC Moderator

    Two Words . . . . SAMPLE DATA

    It does not appear that you installed the sample data as part of the quickstart installation process.

    TomC Moderator
    osseo Friend

    Hi Tom,
    I’m sorry, but I forgot to mention I DID installed sample data from the installation (quickstart) and I did follow the documentation. Furthermore, you can see some demo content showing on my site, but not ALL of the content….

    I start to wonder if is because I have second languages enabled for the site during my installation process? Do you think that will make any difference? Or anything else I could be missing?

    Thanks again.

    osseo Friend

    Ok, so after all. My guess was correct… It was the “language package” that mess up on the “sample data”.
    It turns out if I enable for “multi language” by default, even when I choose to install sample data during my quick start installation. It will cause part of the content data missing from my site.

    I only did this in Joomla 3.x so I don’t know if same thing will happen to Joomla 2.x. But just a FYI for people want to enable multi-language site and also want to have the demo site look.


    Nazario A Friend


    Glad that you figured it out.

    By the way, have you had a look at our JA Multilingual component (free). It helps to handle multi-language site. If you are interested, following links might help:
    – Download: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/downloads.php?do=cat&id=501
    – Userguide: http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-component/ja-multilingual

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