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  • cgc0202 Friend

    In Teline II, there used to be a “Hot Topic” module (mod_jacatslwi) that can be modified to allow randomizing the presentation of content, from any category. I found this one of the most versatile and useful modules created by Joomlart. I used it quite a bit in my previous site.

    I use the Newsflash also as a mode to randomize but the Newsflash module only works with one category, so it was not as versatile as the “Hot Topic” module (mod_jacatslwi).

    However, I do not find any “mod_jacatslwi”.

    Is there a way to randomize articles in any of the dynamic modules of Teline IV?

    The JA Bulletin would have had the features, akin to the “Hot Topic” module (mod_jacatslwi), but it does not have “random” as one of the options.


    N.B. I can randomize the articles in the “JA News-fp” but I assume that module is for the frontpage mainly?

    i searched for previous randomization threads, but there were changes in existing files and scripts in the modules. Previous resolution do not seem to apply.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    dear cgc0202,

    Have you checked ja news pro module? it can randomize articles(choose “article order” in admin), but the news-fp can not.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@hungnd 216706 wrote:</em><blockquote>dear cgc0202,

    Have you checked ja news pro module? it can randomize articles(choose “article order” in admin), but the news-fp can not.</blockquote>

    Hi hungnd,

    The one you use as FrontPage in the Teline IV Joomal 1.6 actually is randomizable as I demoed in this:

    Joomla 1.6 Teline IV Sandbox

    However, the layout contraints of module template (as scripted) make them not very suitable for randomizable modules that could be placed more flexibly in positions other than the “FrontPage” and JA News.

    My favorite and most powerful module coming from Joomlart is the “Hot Topic” module. I hope you revive that for use in the Teline IV and include it in the quickstart kit. There is a fatal flaw in the Hot Topic module though that I posted several times here, but never corrected.

    Since I got the new Teline IV Joomla 1.6 version, I found several modules that can be randomized:

    1. NewsFlash
    2. JA News Feature

    I included examples of them here:

    Joomla 1.6 Teline IV Sandbox

    view the right column of the Frontpage of the Sandbox site. There are bugs in them though, including not cloning properly to result into a unique module. I reported one but my thread seems to have disappeared????

    The NewsFlash module, since it is allowed to show photos, must also have a script to limit the size of the photo. Otherwise, a larger photo will spill over the other positions (see second module in the right column of the Frontpage in the Sandbox link above).

    If you could just add a script to randomize the “World (24H)” module

    I decided not to use all the three formats of the JA News PRO module because it is too slow for my purposes and criteria to focus on speed. Can you please bring back instead, the simpler format of the JA News module used in Teline II with a feature to randomize? Please include this a separate module in Teline IV.


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <blockquote>view the right column of the Frontpage of the Sandbox site. There are bugs in them though, including not cloning properly to result into a unique module. I reported one but my thread seems to have disappeared????</blockquote>there might be some prob with your last post, could you explain it again, in details?
    <blockquote>The NewsFlash module, since it is allowed to show photos, must also have a script to limit the size of the photo. Otherwise, a larger photo will spill over the other positions (see second module in the right column of the Frontpage in the Sandbox link above).</blockquote>you can change image size in “Image setttigns” in ja newsflash
    <blockquote>If you could just add a script to randomize the “World (24H)” module
    </blockquote>for now it only supports Most read and Latest.
    <blockquote>I decided not to use all the three formats of the JA News PRO module because it is too slow for my purposes and criteria to focus on speed. Can you please bring back instead, the simpler format of the JA News module used in Teline II with a feature to randomize? Please include this a separate module in Teline IV. </blockquote>actually there 3 separated modules here, and only one shows at a time, you can extract the module from Teline II for your purpose. I am sorry, we wont be able to step backword on the development.

    cgc0202 Friend

    Thanks Hungnd,

    I am sorry I was not able to reply to this sooner, I spent the past four days to deal with a serious (potential) security threat in my Teline IV installations,. I documented this to be the case in Joomla 1.5 QuickStart version. This specific is too complex to even summarize in this response, but I finally found the cause. I wanted to confirm it, if others have similar experiences, but I did not get any response yet.

    <em>@hungnd 217602 wrote:</em><blockquote>there might be some prob with your last post, could you explain it again, in details?</blockquote>

    I posted a separate thread for the inablity of one of the modules not cloning properly:

    Bugs? Or is it the intent??? JA News Featured Module

    thangnn replied with a follow up. but I am seeking more clarification because I do not fully understand the instructions he posted.

    <em>@hungnd 217602 wrote:</em><blockquote>you can change image size in “Image setttigns” in ja newsflash </blockquote>

    When I posted this, it was based from my initial installation of the Teline IV done last week. I noticed a new update of the quickstart kit, but there is no indication that the News Flash has been updated.

    My sequential installation last night:

    1. Install Joomla full kit
    2. Install Teline IV extensions (using Install/Uninstall)

    based on a download of the Teline IV extensions (including template) made earlier this week. My installations did not hae the size” change option, yet.

    I just visited the dowload page and there us a new QuicStart Teline IV Joomla 1.5 kit

    <em>@hungnd 217602 wrote:</em><blockquote>for now it only supports Most read and Latest. </blockquote>

    <em>@hungnd 217602 wrote:</em><blockquote>actually there 3 separated modules here, and only one shows at a time, you can extract the module from Teline II for your purpose. I am sorry, we wont be able to step backword on the development.</blockquote>

    Indeed, in one of th Sandbox sites I was experimenting with, I used the Teline II News module to replace the JA NewsPRO, One drawback of the Teline II News Module is that it displays a “jagged appearance” if there are multiple rows, this problem is solved in JA NewsPRO used in Teline IV. If I remember correctly, the JA News Module in the original Teline did not display jagged appearance, so I have been looking into that.

    However, one of the impacts of Joomla 1.6 is that there may even be no need for the JA News module anymore to display News. I am looking for alternative modes of displaying the news or any other content for that matter


    Ninja Lead Moderator


    <blockquote>thangnn replied with a follow up. but I am seeking more clarification because I do not fully understand the instructions he posted.</blockquote>

    thangnn has got a new post, please check:

    cgc0202 Friend

    The potential I can envision of the Joomla 1.6-Teline IV NewsFlash

    <em>@hungnd 218794 wrote:</em><blockquote>dear,

    thangnn has got a new post, please check:

    Thanks hungnd,

    Yes I saw that. It does work and have randomizing features. I use the randomizing feature in the frontpage to make the frontpage more dynamic. I am not sure how much the randomization affects the speed of presentation.

    But, the JA News FP as a module to showcase a few articles using the image as the enticing feature does have limitiations. I have not tested it fully yet but by its very layout, it is a two column module (feature and regular articles). This has an impact if text of the article is included. This seems to be more pronounced in the Joomla 1.5. I have not fully explored its behavior in Joomla 1.6 yet, i.e., the impact on speed of page presentation and layout.

    Possibilities with NewsFlash

    My bias in randomizable modules would be more modules similar to the lean scripts of the HotTopic module and NewsFlash module.

    I noted has been made more functional in the Joomla 1.6 version Teline IV by allowing multiple categories, as opposed to single category only in the way the Joomla 1.5 version was scripted.

    You responded in your previous post that one can adjust the size of the image in the NewsFlash??? May I know what version of NewsFlash where there is a size image restriction feature like the other modules (JA News, JA News Front Page, Hot Topic) because both NewsFlash of my Teline IV (Joomla 1.6 and 1.5 versions) do not have these features:

    1. Image resizing/cropping
    2. Text limitation

    I have only seen the Demo, but there is a very versatile commercial version of the NewsFlash (I believe it is only US$10) and I might buy that eventually. The script integrated a sliding mechanism (left-right and reverse) to allow more standalone articles or articles in categories/sections be shown in a fixed space.

    I try to minimize using third party extensions (free and commercial) though because some third party companies sometimes are slow in updating their products. For example, the only reason now why I cannot migrate to Joomla1.6/Teline IV is that SIGPRO has not been upgraded yet to be Joomla 1.6 compatibility. Surprisingly, their free SIGPRO has been upgraded.

    Hot Topic module

    The HotTopic has some issues, and is not at present in the Teline IV. I can incorporate the one from Teline II, but aome features (colors) are altered when it is installed as a standalone module.

    I am not sure also whether the HotTopic module will integrate with Joomla 1.6.

    I consider the Hot Topic module one of the best modules of Joomlart. And, use it extensive. I hope Joomlart would finally address the flaws it resizing/cropping features in the last version that I have. If Joomlart does not have any plans of improving it, at least I hope it would give priority on the update of the Teline II to be compatible with Joomla 1.6.

    Hypothetically, I can have a very light site with the Teline IV template as the skeletal framework with the following as minimal components:

    1. the magazine menu
    2. JA News FP module
    3. NewsFlash module (improved one with proper image resizing and max text restriction)
    4. HotTopic module (correcting the resizing/cropping flaw would make this module very easy to use and very powerful, even more so than the improved NewsFlash module

    I term this the minimalist principle for a newsmagazine layout. With less scripts to summon, each page loads much faster from my initial experimentations. The layout of my initial triels though do not yet meet my aesthetic criteria. So, I am still doing all sort of layout variations.

    When Joomlart responds to my two other recent posts:

    Modularize the Header region like the footer and other positions of Teline IV

    Renaming (and adding more of) the Color-coded CSS directories

    then the possibilities are even greater.


    Phill Moderator


    Surely if you just want a random article in a module then one of these will do the trick?

    cgc0202 Friend

    LESS Extensions = FASTER website

    <em>@phill luckhurst 218947 wrote:</em><blockquote>http://extensions.joomla.org/search?q=random
    Surely if you just want a random article in a module then one of these will do the trick?</blockquote>

    Thanks Phil,

    There are new possibilities though with what Joomlart has done with the ubiquituous “NewsFlash” – it can now substitute as a very simple news module, and yet retains a very simple script.

    1. String a few NewsFlash modules more creatively, and you can have a substitute of the TITANIC JA News PRO.
    2. Randomize the article contents, and it may become more powerful than the JA News Pro or even the JA News Front Page.
    3. Add a magazine menu, and you have the makings of a newsmagazine site. Use Teline IV, and you have improved the aesthetic appearance and dynamism of the layout.
    4. Add the Hot Topic module, and create an even more appealing website.

    It requires quite a lot of work (I do trial and error) but once the positions in the template are prepared, the website creator need not have to worry about preparing customized materials to fill up positions in the website.

    The HotTopic module is also very light, and uses images as the focal point, even more compact than the NewsFlash. This module can become a newsmodule, with features that could not be done by the JA NewsPro Module and the JA News FP

    For other possibilities, I have been screening alternatives now in the Joomla extensions, for years now, and there are a few that I am considering, as I noted. However, there are other criteria that I consider before selecting a module that can randomize articles:

    How fast the developer updates the module.
    I used quite a number of modules when I started but during the transition from Joomla 1.0 to 1..5, there were a few companies that took from 6-months to a year. It is also critical even in security upgrades. Community Builder for example was incompatible with quite a few security upgrades of Joomla 1.5.x during the early stages of the transition. One extreme case, the primary developer (French) of a very elegant (simple) comments system, announced suddenly that he has some personal issues to deal with, and can no longer devote time apps.

    So, what will you do when your site becomes so dependent on the modules you have chosen, and they are not upgraded in a timely manner? The transition from Joomla 1.0-to 1.5 was the reason why I uncoupled the Forum from my Joomla account.

    The location of the developer (especially commercial extensions). With exchange rate fee, sometimes the one I buy ifrom Europe almost doubles in dollars ones it appears in my credit card. I try to avoid products from obscure places also because I have been a victim of identity theft.

    Support. Does the developer respond to inquiry email? Does the developer have a support forum? How active is teh community associated with the extension? Since I do not know scripting and programming, and do not have time to really learn every extension I consider, no matter how good an extension is. I found another template company for example with very good simple and fast templates, but apart from the automated response, I never got a follow up — so no plans to join them yet.

    The above and more are mong the reasons why I would prefer a Joomlart extension Ior whichever) if available, even if not as versatile from those

    GavickPRO News Module

    One of my favorites is the GavickPRO News Module, a UK based webdesign company, they have a unified module that can then be scripted (they offer three basic variations to help non-programmers), essentially to create a whole website. Those who have I was a member before while I was also a member of Joomlart. I may rejoin GavickPRO for a short period just to get the Joomla 1.6 of their News Module, and I can also access their templates database. Except for the predominantly dark (black) design, I quite like their templates — but no newsmagazine template, so they could not be an anchor template. GavickPRO also has quite a few extensions.

    I already posted the possible alternative to the NewsFlash. I have seen the Demo of the non-commercial and the commerical, but I have not gotten a chance to contact the developers, yet.

    Why go elsewhere when Joomlart already has the extensions?

    The direction I am going now is to limit the number of modules, plugins and extensions that I use to make the page faster. And Joomlart templates already has the NewsFlash and the Hot Topic which compared to all the others I have in the Joomla extensions are comparable if not better. I do not think even Joomlart realizes how powerful the Hot Topic module is.

    The NewsFlash (in its default Joomla version) to present feature articles (randomized), YouTube videos, and all sorts of text and images in most of the positions in my websites. The purpose of this thread is that the improvement maide by Joomlart made it even better.


    With your background, you may even know how to add the text timit and resizing scripts that are already in the many modules — JA News, JA News FrontPage, Hot Topic, and other modules of Joomlart.

    By not adding anymore (third party modules), there is less need for other text that could bloat the integrated site.

    LESS Extensions = FASTER website


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  cgc0202 13 years, 11 months ago.

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