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  • mortenrasmussen Friend


    I would like to place 4 modules in a row at the features-intro-1 position. When placing 4 modules in the features-intro-1 position they are stacked. But I would like them to be placed in parallel instead (like e.g the position-1,2,3,4). Would that be possible?

    Thanks and best regards, Morten Bracker

    Eragon H Friend

    Why don’t you use the spotlight positions (position-1,position-2, position-3, position-4) for this such purpose.
    You can add 4 more position for the layout (feature-intro) as this http://prntscr.com/4rogma

    Open the file root/template/ja_nuevo/tpls/features-intro.php

    Change from:

    <?php $this->loadBlock('features-intro-1') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock('spotlight-1') ?>


    <?php $this->loadBlock('features-intro-1') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock('spotlight-2') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock('spotlight-1') ?>

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Eragon H 10 years, 3 months ago.

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