<em>@steflick 169698 wrote:</em><blockquote>Earlier I have posted an issue on the Rasite background and how the design is put together to meet content area in different size.
Right now the design is giving me a hard time. Both when the background images are too far apart, and when they clash:
1. http://www.dysleksi-i-fokus.dk/joomla/index.php/har-du-dysleksi/37-kendetegn
2. http://www.dysleksi-i-fokus.dk/joomla/
OK. All I need is to have one top graphic which I can repeat-x and blend into the background color of my own choice.
Is that not possible?</blockquote>
I have the exact same problem as steflick. Is there any chance that someone could show us how to resolve this problem please?
I need either to use one large top background image or change the colour of the page to suit a top and bottom image.
Thanks in advance