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  • kairey Friend

    My site is now in a real mess and I used the extension manager!

    Upgraded the T3 plugin, okay no problems, updated the template to 1.1.0 and the site has gone haywire. Rolled back the template and it has made no difference.

    Restored a backup of site and data and that isn’t working either, can’t find the linked css file, tried disabling linked css and it won’t do it!

    Site is now broken and need to get it back online, everytime I do an upgrade the thing screws up. I will try and get the site back online then do a seperate site and try and upgrade that…


    kairey Friend

    When I go into the template it lets me change the css files optimization to none, tells me it has saved it then if I log back in its backed to linked. This is what is stopping me getting my backup online, any ideas?

    kairey Friend

    OK I have managed to get the site backup using a backed up database and web site, for some reason I had to go into the templates params.ini file and manually disable the caching of the template and the linked files.

    I am going to build a test site and upgrade the template again, then I can give you guys something to look at and figure out why things are not working correctly….

    kairey Friend

    I’ve run out of time for today, but it looks like certain article categories lose the template completely, some are okay but there is no reason why some drop everything and only display the raw content of the article with no css. There is also nothing displayed in the source code…

    I will try and get a test site up and running and work through updating all components, plugins, templates etc rather than doing them on the live site.

    In conclusion the “rollback” after installing the upgraded template did not work for me!

    kairey Friend

    I am working my way through trying to update the back up site now.

    I note that the JA Extension Manager component in the 1.6 download files does not work, on further investigation it looks like it is the 1.5 version!

    Phill Moderator

    Is it fixed? It looks very nice to me.

    kairey Friend

    No Phil that’s the back up of the old version, trying again to update to the latest files….

    I have updated all components and plugins and just about to do the new template, I know I will have to redo some stuff like the logo, but lets see what happens and I will post a link if it all goes wrong!

    kairey Friend

    Hey Phil did all that and held my breath for the template update and it won’t even work!

    Any ideas, see image attached….

    1. Untitled-2
    kairey Friend

    Quick update, been on this all day and fed up to the back teeth of it now!

    As above it says the upgrade has failed, yet it has done something because it has screwed up the web site and it won’t roll back.

    So the test site is broken and I can’t fix it, the only thing I thought tomorrow is to delete the old template and manually add the new one via FTP?

    Some of the site works:

    and other parts are broken:


    I manually uploaded the new template but still have the above problems.

    Also cannot change read more text on home page plus do not want it repeating the article title, how do I stop this. I have seen bug fixes that say this is sorted, well it isn’t on mine.

    The original site read more is what I want see here and not this plus its lost its title tag on the new version?

    If I enable Breadcrumb it appears twice in the template?????

    Phill Moderator

    Hmm, it does sound like you have made some modificaions in the past but somehow have lost them now.

    A bit late I know but before doing any upgrade I always run akeeba backup so I can restore should things go wrong. So install that and run a backup then we can start trying a few things.

    First thing I would do (after running the backup) would be to delete the T3 Assets folder and let it be re-created by the script. Hopefully the faulty pages you are seeing are cached pages and clearing the caches will rectify that.

    kairey Friend

    Hi Phil

    I haven’t done any modifications myself, but support have when issues appeared at the start of the original build. I have posted a support ticket and asked them not to work on my site without telling me what they have done, or to tell me what to do.

    I have a back up and that’s why I was able to revert the site back, just had problems getting the caches cleared etc.

    Deleted the T· assets and it hasn’t made any difference….

    I am really jacked off with it at the moment having had 4 hours sleep and wanting to get this sorted so I can move onto other work :((

    kairey Friend

    Oh dear no reply to support ticket and only Phil helping here, I am going to be bald soon :((

    Phill Moderator

    Oops, replied to the wrong thread there.

    Just need to get a few things straight. Your live site containd the version with the old plugin and template while the test subdomain contains a backup which is causing the problem yes?

    Could you PM me an ftp account so I can check a few things?

    kairey Friend

    Hi Phil

    The live site at is now the original files and template from months ago and seems to work fine.

    The site at is a copy of the above and I added all updates to plugins and modules as those that are in the repository as of a few days ago. The site worked fine after adding everything including the new T3 framework, but as soon as the updated template was added bang it breaks as per the links above.

    At the moment I disabled the FTP account and I am away on business tomorrow, what do you need the details as per the FTP account in the global config?


    kairey Friend

    ….something else, I enabled the breadcrumb on this updated template and it appears twice????

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