<em>@thcaps 74599 wrote:</em><blockquote>I regret that I have to ask again the problem with upgrading joomla 1.5.6 and Teline. After these installations, whenever applying a format to a new article formatting applies to all articles of the original page. Also some articles are no longer accessible (error 401) and Ja Tabs, deformed. Note that the same is happening in the local installation (with QuickStart!!!). I would ask one of the Moderators would propose a solution (I could give the password). Thanks
Hi thcaps,
You should provide what is asked in the Joomlart Forum rules; please read the link.
Responders to your posts would have to speculate what was your starting point prior the upgrade; whether everything was a OK prior to upgrade. What exactly was a 401 error, and what was the message? etc., etc.
Also, an actual link would be nice because the image is not clear. It will allow responders to test what actually you encountered.