I seem to be running into a problem with my site at http://noiseworkx.com, the read more links keep going to a not found error.
SEF is turned off, I even disabled the system-SEF plugin but still no difference.
At the moment I’ve got the htaccess.txt, if I rename to .htaccess the 404 goes away but is replaced with the behavior that clicking on “read more” changes the focus to the right section, but still doesn’t show the rest of the clicked-on article.
I’m using the latest Zibal quick start install, it was installed to root. I’ve also tried to uncomment “RewriteBase /” as well as comment out “Options +FollowSymLinks”.
Php safemode is switched off and folder/file read&write permission are all enabled (green) inside Joomla.
It’s probably something small I’ve overlooked, but I hope someone knows what exactly it is I’ve overlooked? 😉