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  • ceeyee Friend

    Tried to edit the Read More text but nothing is changed in front page after save.
    Please see image below.



    Phill Moderator

    Have you tried clearing all of the caches both on the joomla side and the browser?

    ceeyee Friend

    I clicked JAT3 Clean Cache in admin, and refreshed in my Firefox. The problem remains.

    Phill Moderator

    What about the other caches in joomla? As well as the jat3 cache there are the normal joomla ones.

    ceeyee Friend

    the only cache item in Clear Cache of Joomla is the t3-assets. This is a newly installed quickstart package.

    But even after I deleted it again, the problem remains. Same thing as shown on the able screen shot.

    Phill Moderator

    What component is that? It is hard to tell from the screenshot. A link to your site will really help or at the very least a full screen shot with a highlight to the item. This link in question could be in the language files but I need to know exactly where on the page it is so I can point you in the right direction.

    Also, what version of joomla are you using?

    ceeyee Friend

    Ok, full screen shots and details.

    I am using Teline III V2 J1.6, fresh installation of the quickstart package with sample data.
    I am trying to change the read more text for an article in the sample data (ARTIST->ART->Sed id leo et vitae).

    Please see the screenshots.

    but on the front page, “read more” is still there instead of “click for details”

    Thanks Phill.

    Phill Moderator

    Ahh, that display is being generated by the JA News FP module IIRC. For that you will need to edit the language file in languageen-GB>en-GB.mod_janews_fp.ini

    ceeyee Friend

    But I couldn’t find the file you mentioned in that folder. I only found two files in that folder: en-GB.tpl_ja_teline_iii.ini and en-GB.tpl_ja_teline_iii.sys.ini.
    Could you please let me know where in the Teline III v2 quickstart package I can find this file and where I should edit that?

    Thank you.

    <em>@phill luckhurst 256918 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ahh, that display is being generated by the JA News FP module IIRC. For that you will need to edit the language file in languageen-GB>en-GB.mod_janews_fp.ini</blockquote>

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi ceeyee,

    It seems to be JA News pro module, try opening file: languageen-GBen-GB.mod_janewspro.ini

    JANEWSPRO_READ_MORE = “Readmore”

    and change to your desired words

    Hope this helps.

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