we want to achieve quick knowledge-check by providing questions with immediately response e.g:
What is the best template provider for Joomla?`
A) JoomlArt ist one of the….
B) Gr*ick – very well known for ….
C) Rock*tT**me ……
>>>> RESULT <<<<< (Button, following answer should appear when button is clicked)
The answer is A.
As there are many template providers out there JoomlArt can be named definite as the one and only because…..
That’s it – no Mailing, no saving, no database stuff – nada de nada. Should be shown within a K2/J-article.
We made an intensive research within the JED – there are a lot of survey, quize and poll extensions but nothing we can use.
By the way – if someone can simply tell us the code for doing this manualy (HTML) it would be fine…
Any ideas? Code? Extensions? …beer? 😉