Find this file in
around 138 line
;Template Custom
TPL_VIEW_ALL ="View all"
TPL_RECENT_PROJECTS ="Recent Projects"
For more info on this Take a look on this Post
<blockquote> I need to point the VIEW ALL to the COURSES on my main menu. How can I do this? </blockquote>
Open templates/ja_sugite/html/mod_articles_category/projects.php
find this code
<a class="btn btn-border btn-lg" href="<?php echo JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($jacategory->id));?>"><span><?php echo JText::_('TPL_VIEW_ALL'); ?></span></a>
Change it into
<a class="btn btn-border btn-lg" href="<?php echo 'http://joomlart.com';?>"><span><?php echo JText::_('TPL_VIEW_ALL'); ?></span></a>
Change Joomlart.com in above code with your link .
Take a backup of original file before applying changes .
Clear cache and check .