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  • hanifahmed Friend

    Recently, we have seen (and have been severely annoyed) by the increase in the number of unregistered and unlicensed members posting in the forums who are advertising services in their sigs.

    The main forums that these happen in are: General Forums, Official JA Forum and Pre-Sales questions, where new users with like 1 post, have made a post in a thread only to advertise other services in their sigs.

    As per the forum rules:

    II. Signatures Rules

    1. May NOT contain any pricing, sales, product etc. details. (spam)
    2. May not contain links for the purpose of self promotion

    I personally have been getting really really annoyed, and I am sure that there are many other users who agree (if you do agree, please hit the thanks so we can collate numbers and users in one place!).

    My request is quite simple, please can JA Staff do something about this. I am not sure if they are doing something about this at the moment or if they are aware of the extent of this.

    There are a few different things JA Staff can do to solve this, and they range from banning unlicensed members from posting to banning sigs on unlicensed members.

    If we rake enough support, then JA will have to listen and cut down on the spam that we have seen in recent days.

    I personally have clicked on the Report User button for spamming more times in the last 2 weeks than I have in the whole of the time I have been in this forum.

    Thank you for listening, hopefully we can reach an amicable solution.

    nefar Friend

    Shut all sigs off for non licensed members and/or put in a system akin to craigs list where people can flag posts down. This would probably take care of the issue.

    mfcphil Friend

    this is just another type of spam we are trying to rid from the forums!

    hanifahmed Friend

    <em>@mfcphil 140416 wrote:</em><blockquote>this is just another type of spam we are trying to rid from the forums!</blockquote>
    And we’re not trying to say your not doing a good job, we’re saying nip the problem in the bud!

    bennitos Friend

    I cant agree more, got quite annoyed with all the new users joining just to trow in a sig or url of their website.

    Have reported many of them, using the reporting button and by mailing some certain staff members.

    Also have send some suggestions to the staff but as with all the suggestions i have made over the years no response.

    Ps. dont take this personal phil, you MiCCAS and drarvindc (since recently) are the only ones i get responses from, and you are the guys who are actually active on here, i know you guys have problems aswell getting your voices heard.

    mfcphil Friend

    I have made a new post in the staff section asking if Unlicensed members signatures can be removed….or stopping the ability to add links!

    Should anyone find any of these links,simply send me or other mods a link and we will remove them!

    bennitos Friend

    thx once again phil 🙂

    hanifahmed Friend

    mfcphil;140428I have made a new post in the staff section asking if Unlicensed members signatures can be removed….or stopping the ability to add links!

    Should anyone find any of these links,simply send me or other mods a link and we will remove them!

    I bet all these new accounts are coming from a certain group of IP addresses. Can you not ban the IP address from making accounts?

    mfcphil Friend

    <em>@hanifahmed 140439 wrote:</em><blockquote>I bet all these new accounts are coming from a certain group of IP addresses. Can you not ban the IP address from making accounts?</blockquote>

    That is part of the process!

    bennitos Friend

    Think limiting the permissions of unlicenced members would be the best help.

    If they are doing a proper job then they wont have the same ip adresses. Still plenty connection types around with dynamic ip adresses like umts wich i am using now, dial-up and quite some cable and dsl providers give out dynamic ip adresses.

    And If you would have a static ip adress you can simply use a proxy server.

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  bennitos 15 years, 5 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum