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Problems : Newsflash
I set up my site with Quickstart and all demo material.
I used demo material to do my own articles, changed category names, etc. No problem.
Then i started adding new sections, categories, etc.
And problems begin.
In Newsflash, main category is fine and works well.
When i set up a new cateogry under section “newsflash” it just gets muddled up with other cateogries.
so i set up new Newsflash mod exclusive for each category to make sure each category shows its own exclusive newsflash posts.
Problem is this http://the-c-directory.com/partymain/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=65
where it says “Please select a category for JA Newsflash!“
What’s happening here?