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  • djmarkus Friend

    register is not working since i installed this template travel a couple of weeks ago i have just discovered no one registered on the site. you register from the top menu last item. it worked before but not with this. Please try it as all i get is request after registration to login and the registration process never registered anyone

    can you look in to it please

    please help soon

    ntonline Friend

    I had the same issue with the quickstart files. My work around was to install the joomla core component then the template, plugins and modules. If you want to duplicate quickstart, create the appropriate image folders and transfer the photos from the quickstart image directory. After all of these steps, the registration should work for you.

    djmarkus Friend

    problem my site is complete so dont want to loose anything I have. I cant renistall everything again, as that would not work for me

    ntonline Friend

    As I mentioned before. I had the same issue. My site was complete and I went through the re-installation process anyway because it was easier than trying to identify the specific problem with the code and/or database. Rather than waiting for help or paying for help, I backed up select items on my server and in my database and reinstalled my site starting with the Joomla 1.5.23 core files followed by the template.

    If you want help from the JoomlArt support team, try submitting a ticket. If you do, be patient. The JoomlArt staff is usually pretty good about helping with issues like this. However, it may take a while to identify the specific problem.

    pritam Friend

    Hello djmarkus,

    I have created bug report on this issue. You can check the progress of issue being resolved at the link

    djmarkus Friend

    Please i sent all the information via the forum and even gave the info for the sql and backend so I need it fixed, I cant reistall joomla

    djmarkus Friend

    It works now, not by changing any code I found a free module called S5 Register and I installed it. The module itself correct any errors the joomla register had, so I am now able to use AJAX Register with no problem. Do you like how I used the template

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  djmarkus 13 years, 2 months ago.

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