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  • victortopper Friend

    registration problem

    I have a problem when I log in as a registered user. Here is the screen that appears.

    Thank you for help

    1. enrg
    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi victortopper,

    Could you please send me your live url via PM ? I could not find this issue on our template.

    questbg Friend

    Hello Victor

    I created an account on your site but don’t appear to have that problem.

    However, I noticed that you don’t have the ‘User Menu’ module published anywhere on the site, which makes it difficult for registered users to access their account details.

    Perhaps you could publish the User Menu using the Module Manager and check again?

    Good Luck

    Bonjour Victor.

    Je vien de créé un compte sur votre site, mais je n’ai pas eu ce problème?

    Cependant, j’ai remarqué que vous n’avez pas le ‘module’ de ‘User Menu’ publié n’importe où sur le site, qui le rend difficile pour les utilisateurs inscrits à accéder à leurs détails de compte.

    eut-être vous pourriez publier le User Menu en utilisant le ‘Module Manager’ et la verifier de nouveau ?

    Alors, Bonne chance!


    victortopper Friend
    questbg Friend

    I have spoken to Victor at length (in French!) and now understand much clearer the problem.

    The User Registration is working fine, however, when a user logs in to the site, they are automatically taken to a ‘User Details’ page:


    Rather than the front page which Victor wants to achieve.

    My own Telline II installation takes the User direct to the home page after login, not to the User Details page.

    How and where can this URL be changed so that Users are taken to home page after login, rather than their detais?

    Many Thanks

    anisjolly Friend

    hey questbg

    thanks for your message.

    You can actually change the parameters in the login module to redirect the user to the homepage.

    Or if you’re like me and have CB installed – you can use the cb login instead of the joomla login and actually add a url to the page you want it to go.


    1. login
    anisjolly Friend

    here’s a screenshot of the cb login parameters which allo you to add the actual url of the page you want the user to redirect to.

    1. login2
    questbg Friend

    Hi Victor

    Thanks to anisjolly we now have a solution to this problem.

    Go to the Module Manager and edit ‘Login Form’

    On the right hand side, in Module Parameters, select the ‘Login Redirection Page’ menu and select ‘Home’.

    This will ensure they are taken to the home page after login, and not to the User Details page.

    Good Luck!


    Bonjour Victor

    Alors, grace aux renseignements d’anisjolly, nous avons la solution de notre problème!

    Allez vers le “Module Manager” et editez la module “Login Form”.

    À droite, dans les Paramètres de Module, choisissez le menu de ‘Login Redirection Page’ et selectionez ‘Home’.

    Cela garantira qu’ils sont pris à la page d’accueil après l’ouverture de session et pas à la page de “User Details”.

    Alors, bonne chance bonne weekend!


    bennitos Friend

    Great work questbg, On your effort to get this user the support he needed.

    no1 🙂

    victortopper Friend

    Hello anisjolly,

    Problem solved

    Thank you very much for letting us know the solution of the problem


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  victortopper 15 years, 11 months ago.

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