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  • reinif Friend

    Hi, I am upgrading from joomla 1.0 to 1.5, using the quartz template. Now I have a problem with pictures, which appear on the left side close to the logo. I do not know why it is there, position is the first picture of the last written article. I dont want a picture at this place. URL: http://www.sfh.at/V15/index.php/
    Thanks for help, Reinhard

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi reinif

    i checked your website and saw that this image have not resized yet.
    Please make sure that images/resized folder is exist and writable.

    reinif Friend

    Hi, thanks, but there is actually a folder resized in images. There are some folders inside with pictures.. I think the picture on the left, close to the logo is defined with a wrong position and I can not find wich position or which module this could be. I don´t want a picture to be palced there. Only the logo…

    reinif Friend

    I am sorry, there was a misstake. It could be that you did not see what i discribed above, because the article was not issued at the startsite. Now it is and you will see what I mean. Regards, Reini

    reinif Friend

    Hi, I am sorry but my problem is not solved yet. Let me discribe again: The first picture from the newest article at the home – or frontpage appears on the left upper corner, Topleft, behind the logo. For a better impression: http://www.sfh.at/V15/
    It should not be displayed there, because it should open – after clicking on this article – on the 2nd site of the written article: http://www.sfh.at/V15/index.php/er-die-wirkung-von-bildern-bildkommunikation-menu-92
    If I cancel the article the picture is gone, but thats not what I want. 😉
    Please let me know how can I remove pictures from this posititon, I have no idea.
    Thanks again, Reinhard

    mauricevanderfeesten Friend

    I have the same problem! see http://www.mijkepol.nl

    mauricevanderfeesten Friend

    I have reported this as a bug , see http://www.joomlart.com/forums/project.php?issueid=1318

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi reinif

    This issue is not from our template.
    Please make sure that images/resized folder and its subfolders is writable (chmod = 777)

    If not, please kindly send me your ftp account via PM, i will help you to solve this issue

    mauricevanderfeesten Friend

    By the way, I am using PHP5.2.9
    and directory images/resized set to chmod=777

    Still no proper result….
    (using another theme, like ZinC, this problem does not occur…)
    please help!

    reinif Friend

    Hi again, I tried to put a 1pix transparent gif in first position at my article. It apeared on the same place in the left upper corner but rezised to 70 / 70 pix. Maybe this can help, I did not rezise this picture it was just uploded via ftp and linked direct to the article. After deleting the picture in the resize folder I got a php error message…
    Please help, this problem takes a lot of time and I don`t want to change this cool template. :confused: (like Maurice posted it, with other templates we don`t have the problem)
    Thanks, Reinhard

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi reinif

    Could you please send me your admin account via PM? I want to check your artilces which are displaying on the frontpage. Maybe you made a mistake in these articles.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi there

    To solve this issue, in administrator, please go to Menus -> Main menu -> edit Home item.
    In Parameters (System) tab, please enter _fp text into Page Class Suffix textbox

    thewebguy Friend

    also having same issue- ref http://www.batesrestaurant.ie
    any solutions yet. ( and yes have images.resized chmodded and all subs too….


    thewebguy Friend

    hi , i tried this to no avail. ( the _fp suffic)
    the result in firefoz was to create a thumbnail at very top of article and aligned to left even though my settings were to insert the image about halfway down page and align to right.

    in ie the result was similar but with thumbnail at top aligned to right. any other suggestions?
    site= as above – http://www.batesrestaurant.ie
    thank you

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