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  • frankgabriels_1961 Friend

    Hi there,

    We have 10 sub-divisions or departments on our website. Our members can access the news articles of their own department. To present the news of each department, we’ve made a separate module with category listing. Because the news is selected based on category, we don’t need to mention the category.

    Q1: How can we remove the "category" caption at the top of the listing (see picture "category in category listing view")?

    Q2: How can we remove the "category" caption in the LIST view (see pictures "category in grid" and "category in list")?

    NOTE: we have used the following code to remove the category in grid view:

    .grid-view .magazine-category .magazine-item-media .category-name { display: none!important; }

    This line of code works!

    For the list view we used this line of code:

    .list-view .magazine-category .magazine-item-media .category-name { display: none!important; }

    This one DOESN’T work…

    Q3: How can we remove the "category" caption in the module "Most read articles" (see picture category in module "most read articles")?

    Thanks to all you coders out there with your coding-talent! Werner

    1. Category-in-Category-listing-view
    2. Category-in-grid
    3. Category-in-list
    4. Category-in-module-most-read
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Add below code in custom.css file to remove the category name over the image .magazine-featured-leading .magazine-item-media .category-name {
        display: none;
    .link-item .article-aside .category-name {
        display: none;


    frankgabriels_1961 Friend

    Hi Pankaj,

    Q3 : SOLVED

    The code for the sidebar article (the most read block) works!


    The code for the category listing doesn’t work.
    Just a thought but… in your code you refer to
    But I’ve used the "magazine -category listing – style 1" as a style or block in the JA ACM.
    Could it be your code referts to another block?


    … am I right to guess that, if all the code for Q2 works, Q1 will be solved because it’s also related to the same item (the category listing)?


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Kindly share the URL of the page which is not solved with a fresh screenshot and point the part you want to hide on that page.


    frankgabriels_1961 Friend

    Hi Pankaj,

    The website is: (mind you: it is still in full build up, far from finished!)

    If you navigate to "politie" or "ocmw" (or any other item except het "home" icon) you"ll get an idea.

    I’ve added two new screenshots of what needs to be removed on those pages (in red circles).
    The red arrow above the "grid" and "list" button is just to indicate which screenshot goes with whicht button.


    1. Category-in-grid2
    2. Category-in-list2
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Use this code in custom.css file

    .magazine-category-title {display:none;} 
    .magazine-item-media .category-name {display:none;}


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 7 years, 2 months ago.

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