Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
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  • pavit Moderator


    Best way for this is to edit php block file and remove from it the
    <jdoc:include type="component" /> call

    If you can tell me which layout exactly are you using ( default, features-intro,features-intro2 etc.)

    I can tell you which file you will need to edit , if you want me to apply this modification then share as private reply also a temp super user account to your backend

    below there is a screenshot of the modified layout default that is using as mainbody block this file

    /templates/ja_sugite/tpls/blocks/mainbody/two-sidebar.php . look at 2nd image


    1. Screenshot-at-gen-21-23-09-44
    2. Screenshot-at-gen-21-23-12-30
    aabed91 Friend


    Best way for this is to edit php block file and remove from it the
    <jdoc:include type="component" /> call

    If you can tell me which layout exactly are you using ( default, features-intro,features-intro2 etc.)

    I can tell you which file you will need to edit , if you want me to apply this modification then share as private reply also a temp super user account to your backend

    below there is a screenshot of the modified layout default that is using as mainbody block this file

    /templates/ja_sugite/tpls/blocks/mainbody/two-sidebar.php . look at 2nd image


    First i want to say thank you very much. I removed the block (auto component) from the layout successfully. but I still have a blank space between (auto message) and position 5,6,7,8. Please check this image: enter image description here

    I need to remove this blank space.

    Thanks again

    pavit Moderator


    You can use custom.css file to achieve this

    If you do not have already such file then create a new one in this folder /templates/ja_sugite/css/ and add to it.

    .t3-sl {
    .t3-mainbody {


    1. Screenshot-at-gen-22-09-19-38
    aabed91 Friend


    You can use custom.css file to achieve this

    If you do not have already such file then create a new one in this folder /templates/ja_sugite/css/ and add to it.

    <pre class="prettyprint linenums:1 prettyprinted" data-initialized="true" data-gclp-id="1">

    1. <span class="pun">.<span class="pln">t3<span class="pun">-<span class="pln">sl <span class="pun">{
    2. <span class="pln">padding<span class="pun">-<span class="pln">top<span class="pun">:<span class="lit">0px<span class="pun">!<span class="pln">important<span class="pun">;
    3. <span class="pun">}
    4. <span class="pun">.<span class="pln">t3<span class="pun">-<span class="pln">mainbody <span class="pun">{
    5. <span class="pln">padding<span class="pun">-<span class="pln">bottom<span class="pun">:<span class="lit">0px<span class="pun">!<span class="pln">important<span class="pun">;
    6. <span class="pun">}


    I don’t know how i can thank you. You helped me a lot.
    A lot of thanks for your help

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  aabed91 7 years, 11 months ago.

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