<em>@railer 216456 wrote:</em><blockquote>What would you suggest to do if we want to be able to use both the default image border style (.article-image span) and also place images without the border?
If you have to have such option, You can make above change as tienhc suggested and then, add this at end of template.css file::
.article-image span .caption{background: #181818;border: 1px solid #2a2a2a;}
.article-image span #no-border{background:none !important;border: 0 none !Important;}
Now, You can change image reference like this where you wish to not have border::
<img border=”0″ align=”left” title=”Sample Image” alt=”Sample Image” class=”caption” id=”no-border” src=”/ja/norite/images/stories/demo/sam-1.jpg”>