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  • southmost Friend

    I want to remove the menu fromt the top (module menu). I believe it is located on section A on the template. Here is the url: http://brownsvillechc.com. I have the same identicle menu on the left hand side and i wish to keep only that menu, not the top menu. Or maybe choose what menu items i want on the top menu.

    mj1256 Friend

    the answer may vary from template to template, which template are you working on

    southmost Friend

    JA Mageia Template


    <em>@southmost 90954 wrote:</em><blockquote>JA Mageia Template</blockquote>

    after <!– BEGIN: MAIN NAVIGATION –>
    write <!–
    before <!– END: MAIN NAVIGATION –>
    write –>
    <!– <div id=”ja-mainnavwrap” class=”clearfix”>

    <h1 class=”logo”><a href=”index.php”><?php echo $JAconfig->template; ?></a></h1>

    <div id=”ja-mainnav”>
    switch ($JAconfig->ja_menutype) {
    case 1:
    $jamenu->genMenu (0);
    case 2:
    case 4:
    $jamenu->genMenu (0);
    case 3:
    echo “<div class=”transmenu-inner”>”;
    $jamenu->genMenu (0);
    echo “</div>”;
    </div> –>


    ellie_t Friend

    hi, i have the fagus template…and trying to disable the menu across the top and leave the vertical one… any insight for that move?


    ellie_t Friend

    well, i created a new mainmenu, and copied all of my menu items from being in the top menu to the new menu. i decided not to disable the top menu completely, but i did get rid of all of the menu items in the top except ‘home’ and that seems to look ok, although i don’t like what the menu link structure looks like now. before it had some cool arrow looking mouseover effect…now it consists of bullets and just a standard hyperlink look and even more dissappointing…the actual menu background is a little out of wack and when you mouseover the menu items…the background seems to go outside of the standard template area.

    the entire template looked off center so i put the line <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=7″ /> at the beginning of the template.html…that fixed the off center issue, but not the menu item mouse over issue.
    so i tried <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=8″ /> and that made the menu back in line (still just a standard link menu, not the cool one when it it used the top menu) but the centering was off on the template.

    i don’t know what the bleep to do… i have some other issues with this template and in too deep to change.

    ellie_t Friend

    ok … well now i added this line to the template.css file
    ul.menu {

    ul.menu li {
    width: 99%;
    (i will go back and thank that post) that along with the ie 7 code mentioned above has now centered my items nicely under the header and the menu is in line too…still don’t care for the mouseover style but it will do for now…on to my problem with the mod_janewsflash problem i am having…

    i hope this post helps someone.

    mihirc Friend

    <em>@ellie_t 140946 wrote:</em><blockquote>hi, i have the fagus template…and trying to disable the menu across the top and leave the vertical one… any insight for that move?



    As an unlicensed member you are not entitled to any kind of help and are in the probablity of getting banned from the JA community.

    Mihir Chhatre.

    ellie_t Friend

    well, thank you for you kindness. the template was paid for, and site is registered. i have made 2 inquiries regarding renewal, and wanted to apply my credit towards that fee (which appeared to be an option) and have not yet received a reply. in the meantime, i am trying to resolve these issues.

    also, when i look at my name in the posts it said licensed member ‘expired’ not ‘unlicensed’ (maybe you changed the way that appeared, because now looks to be flat out unlicensed, but that is new to me today) and since the template was actually purchased and registered i had hoped to receive assistance over a mere unlicensed member, with an unregistered template/site.

    i am not interested in continuing a dialog with you, just wanted to explain my situation.

    mihirc Friend

    <em>@ellie_t 141144 wrote:</em><blockquote>well, thank you for you kindness. the template was paid for, and site is registered. i have made 2 inquiries regarding renewal, and wanted to apply my credit towards that fee (which appeared to be an option) and have not yet received a reply. in the meantime, i am trying to resolve these issues.

    also, when i look at my name in the posts it said licensed member ‘expired’ not ‘unlicensed’ (maybe you changed the way that appeared, because now looks to be flat out unlicensed, but that is new to me today) and since the template was actually purchased and registered i had hoped to receive assistance over a mere unlicensed member, with an unregistered template/site.

    i am not interested in continuing a dialog with you, just wanted to explain my situation.</blockquote>

    Firstly I am not a mod nor any part of the JA team to change your membership status.
    Secondly, you require atleast 1800 credits to renew your membership via points – http://www.joomlart.com/forums/credits.php?do=manage#redeem

    As far as the assistance goes, firstly you have hijacked a thread instead of creating your own. Secondly, I would gladly help any1 (have been) who is a licensed member!

    Best Luck!

    Mihir Chhatre.

    ellie_t Friend

    yes, yes, i realize that about the 1800… didn’t at the time of my inquiry…just didn’t pay attention to the credit requirement, my bad.

    and, didn’t notice until this morning when i was wondering again why i didn’t hear back from joomlart…which i didn’t wonder about much until your assault. although, i would still expect some acknowledgment of my inquiry…a sale is a sale.

    doesn’t matter now though, i think you have probably created some stigma for me and probably would not receive any help, now anyway. i think we are done here.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ellie_t 15 years, 5 months ago.

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