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  • gary1234 Friend

    Hi could you please tell me how I can remove the masthead banner on some to the pages on a Rent template website. I have went to the JA Masthead MOD and have removed the offending line but another masthead image appeared in its place.

    I am also having a problem with the main logo on the K2 pages. My logo appears smaller then it should on these pages and I am not sure how to solve this issue.

    URL: http://caninfo1.securesites.net/directcreditconnection/index.php/explore/joomla-pages/404-page

    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    You have all your folders set as unwritable – look at System-> System Information ->Folder Permissions tab

    After you fixed permissions issue create a new file named custom.css in this folder /templates/ja_rent/css/ and add to it

    .com_k2 img {

    This should fix the logo dimension on K2 menu items

    Regarding masshead images could you point me on the specific page where you want to change the background image ?

    gary1234 Friend
    pavit Moderator


    The default image positioned in masshead module is loaded through template.css file with this code

    .jamasshead {

    If you want to change or disable it then add to your templates/ja_rent/css/ custom.css file

    If you do not have a custom.css file then you should create a new one from scratch

    .jamasshead {


    .jamasshead {

    Best regards

    gary1234 Friend

    Adding the following did not work on the main logo on the K2 pages.

    .com_k2 img {

    pavit Moderator

    Adding the following did not work on the main logo on the K2 pages.

    .com_k2 img {


    Try to add the max-height to 0 in custom.css file

    .com_k2 img {  
    gary1234 Friend

    No that does not work either as all the images on the page disappear.


    pavit Moderator


    My fault

    Change to

    .com_k2 img {  

    1. Screenshot_4
    gary1234 Friend

    The trouble with that fix is that it is applied to all the images on the K2 portion of the page and is not isolated to just the logo.


    pavit Moderator

    You can fix images dimensions values editing K2 parameters and add dimensions for Large , Small, and other sizes

    gary1234 Friend

    Please note that your suggestion editing K2 parameters didn’t work either. What did work was to edit the Rent template.css line 59 and adding "max-width:none!important;"

    .logo-control .logo-img {
    display: block;

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gary1234 8 years, 7 months ago.

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