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  • ifantasy Friend

    How do I remove the line “Welcome to the Frontpage” on articles on the main page.
    See attached picture

    Phill Moderator

    This has been asked tons of times in the forums. We really need to have a FAQ page that is easy to find for questions like this although a quick search would have shoen that you need to edit in 2 places.

    The first is in the menu manager for your home item in the standard Joomla way.

    The second (and the one you are probably struggling to find) is in the administeator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_jat3.ini file where you will find the following code

    YOU ARE HERE=You are here
    SKIP TO CONTENT=Skip to content
    HOME PAGE TITLE=Welcome to the Frontpage
    IE6 WARNING TITLE=IE6 warning title
    IE6 WARNING MESSAGE=IE6 warning message
    CLOSE THIS NOTICE=Close this notice
    DO NOT SHOW THIS MESSAGE AGAIN=Do not show this message again
    #___________User Tools_____________#
    RESET USER SETTING=Reset user setting
    INCREASE FONT SIZE=Increase font size
    DECREASE FONT SIZE=Decrease font size
    DEFAULT FONT SIZE=Default font size
    WIDE SCREEN=Wide (default)
    #______Admin tabs_____#
    UPDATE & HELP=Update & Help
    CLICK TO ADD=Click to add
    COLLAPSE ALL=Collapse all
    EXPAND ALL=Expand all
    #___________Error and other messages with no defined order yet____________#
    NOT SHOW AGAIN=Don't show again
    PROFILE NAME "%S" ALREADY EXIST. PLEASE CHOOSE ANOTHER.=Profile "%s" already exists. Please enter another profile name.
    ENTER PROFILE NAME:=Please enter profile name
    PLEASE SELECT PROFILE=Please select profile
    LAYOUT NAME "%S" ALREADY EXIST. PLEASE CHOOSE ANOTHER.=Layout "%s" already exists. Please enter another layout name.
    ENTER LAYOUT NAME:=Enter layout name:
    PLEASE SELECT LAYOUT=Please select a layout
    ARE YOU SURE TO DELETE THIS THEME?=Are you sure you want to delete this theme? Deleting theme will lead to current profiles which use this theme will be marked as red for change. Page is now reloaded and all changes will not be saved.
    NOT INFORMATION ABOUT THE VERSION OF THIS TEMPLATE=No information available about the version of this template.
    UPLOADED FILE DOES NOT EXIST.=Uploaded file does not exist.
    UPLOAD FALSE=Upload False
    PACKAGE ERROR.=Package Error.
    FILE INFO.XML NOT FOUND!=The required file info.xml was not found!
    INFO.XML NOT FOUND!=File info.xml cannot be found!
    THEME NAME IS NOT DEFINED!=Theme name is not defined!
    RESET %S PROFILE SUCCESSFULLY=The %s profile have been successfully reset!
    FAIL TO CONNECT TO UPDATE.JOOMLART.COM FOR VERSION CHECKING OR NOT FOUND INFORMATION=Failed to connect to the <a href="http://update.joomlart.com" target="_blank">update service</a>.
    %S AVAILABLE!=%s is available!
    CLICK HERE TO COMPARE 2 VERSIONS=Click here to compare the two versions!
    CLICK HERE TO UPGRADE TO LATEST VERSION=Click here to upgrade to the latest version!
    UPGRADE NOW=Upgrade now!
    - RUNNING LATEST VERSION=- Running latest version
    PROFILE NAME CAN NOT BE EMPTY=Profile name cannot be empty..
    DO YOU WANT TO SAVE CHANGES TO LAYOUT %S?=Do you want to save changes for %s layout?
    TEMPLATE NOT DEFINE.=Template not defined..
    INVALID INFO.=Invalid info
    THEME %S NOT FOUND.=Theme %s was not found...
    THEME NAME NOT DEFINE!=Theme name not defined!
    THEME "%S" ALREADY EXISTS.=Theme "%s" already exists.
    OPERATION FAILED=Operation failed..
    NO TEMPLATE OR LAYOUT SPECIFIED.=No template or layout specified.
    RESET %S LAYOUT SUCCESSFULLY=Resetting the %s layout was successful!
    RENAME FAILED=Rename failed!
    RENAME %S LAYOUT SUCCESSFULLY=Renaming the %s layout was successful!
    DELETE %S LAYOUT SUCCESSFULLY=Deleting the %s layout was successful!
    TEMPLATE NOT DEFINE.=Template not defined.
    INVALID INFO.=Invalid info.
    THEME %S NOT FOUND.=Theme %s was not found.
    THEME NAME NOT DEFINE!=Theme name not defined!
    THEME "%S" ALREADY EXISTS.=Theme "%s" already exists.
    OPERATION FAILED=Operation failed
    RESET %S LAYOUT SUCCESSFULLY=%s layout was successfully reset!
    RENAME FAILED=Rename failed..
    RENAME %S LAYOUT SUCCESSFULLY=%s layout was successfully renamed!
    DELETE %S LAYOUT SUCCESSFULLY=%s layout was successfully deleted!
    SAVE %S LAYOUT SUCCESSFULLY=%s layout was successfully saved!
    RENAME %S PROFILE SUCCESSFULLY=%s profile was successfully renamed!
    DELETE %S PROFILE SUCCESSFULLY=%s profile was successfully deleted!
    NO TEMPLATE SPECIFIED.=No template specified.
    SAVE %S PROFILE SUCCESSFULLY=%s profile was successfully saved! Now you can customize it.
    SAVE DATA SUCCESSFULLY=Successfully saved data!
    SAVE GENERAL ERROR=An error has occured when saving Global Settings..
    SAVE GENERAL SUCCESSFULLY=Global settings successfully saved!
    SAVE PROFILE %S ERROR=An error has occured when saving the %s profile..
    SAVE PROFILE %S SUCCESSFULLY=Successfully saved the %s profile!

    #_______Settings sections and their descriptions in order of appearence_________#
    PAGE ASSIGNMENTS=Profile Override Settings
    PAGE ASSIGNMENTS DESC=This function allows users to override the profiles for specific pages or content components. <br />With the form below can be assigned profiles to be used for specific pages (menu items or content components).
    ENABLE DEVELOPMENT MODE=Enable Development Mode
    ENABLE DEVELOPMENT MODE DESC=It is recomended to switch this setting to *Yes* for development stage of your website. This option will disable all cache, to be able to see changes imediately after page refresh, without clearing the cache.
    CACHES=Cache Settings
    CACHES DESC=This panel enables usage of cache for the template to save bandwidth and speed up the page load. <br />It is recommended to disable this feature for development websites. <br /><br />To clear the cache please follow this quick guide:<br />* in back-end go to <strong>Tools</strong> - <strong>Clear Cache</strong> <br />* find <em>t3</em> cache and select it<br />* click the <em style='color:red'>Delete</em> button.
    CACHE MODE DESC=Select <em>enable</em> or <em>disable</em> the template caching feature.
    NO CACHE FOR BLOCKS DESC=Enter the blocks names you want to skip the caching functions for. Type <em>Enter</em> after each one and remember that no spaces are allowed.
    CACHE EXCLUDE=Cache Exclude
    CACHE EXCLUDE DESC=Enter the module positions / components names you want to skip the caching functions for. Here is the syntax: <br /><div style='border-left:1px dashed #333; background:#e6e6e6; padding: 5px 10px;'>position=pos1,pos2<br />component=com_name1,com_name2</div>
    CSS - JAVASCRIPT COMPRESS=Css & Javascript Compress
    CSS - JAVASCRIPT COMPRESS DESC=This panel enables the CSS & Javascript compression to speed up your website just with a few clicks.<br /><br /><span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'>Please note</span><br />The minify script require PHP 5 or higher.
    SYSTEM SETTINGS=System Settings
    SYSTEM SETTINGS DESC=These settings are very IMPORTANT while you are in development stages of the site. Enable development mode will disable cache + compress so you can easily debug & see the changes immediately after you modify settings.
    GENERAL SETTING=Global Settings
    GENERAL SETTING DESC=Global profile settings allows you to customize the logo, change the menu system, customize the width of the template and the font-size, and also set the text direction.
    STANDARD SETTING DESC=Standard Setting section consists of:<br/>- Logo & Slogan<br/>- Font override (Googe Font API)<br/>- Menu: choosing the menu type you wish to use<br/>- Turn on/off the User tool in frontpage<br/>- Turn on/off the User tool in fontend
    LOGO SETTING=Logo Settings
    LOGO SETTING DESC=This option allows users to easily customize the logo as image or text.
    LOGO TEXT=Logo Text
    LOGO TEXT DESCRIPTION=Enter your logo text here. This setting take effect when the <em>Text</em> logo type is selected.
    # do we need this? SITE SLOGAN=Site slogan #
    SLOGAN DESCRIPTION=Enter a slogan line or short description. This will be visible below the <em>Text</em> logo in your front-end.
    TEMPLATE LOGO DESC=Select <em>Image</em> and replace the default JA T3 Logo located in templates/ja_t3_blank/images/logo.gif. <br></br> Select text to use pre-styled text instead of logo image (recommended For Handheld / Mobile Devices for increased performance.
    LOGO TYPE=Select logo type
    LOGO TYPE DESCRIPTION=Select <em>Image</em> or <em>Text</em> type logo.
    MENU SETTING=Menu Settings
    MENU SETTING DESC=In this panel you can select a menu system for each profile, customize the menu rendering settings and also customize the Mega Menu animation settings.
    MENU SYSTEM DESC=Select from various available menu systems supported by JA T3 Blank. <p>Check the demo links provided on the left side description.
    MENU MODULE=Menu Type
    MENU MODULE DESC=Select menu type to be displayed in the horizontal position as main navigation.
    MENU TYPE=Menu System
    MENU TYPE DESC=Select one of the available menu systems. If you want to use JA Mega Menu, you will have below some additional parameters and you need to read the user guide, the documentation link is given in left side of this page.
    START LEVEL=Start Level
    START LEVEL DESC=Level to start rendering the Menu at. <br />Usually 0 is the first level (menu root).
    END LEVEL=End Level
    END LEVEL DESC=Level to stop rendering the Menu at. <br />-1 for unlimited.
    CUSTOMIZE MENU FOR PAGE=Menu Override Settings
    CUSTOMIZE MENU FOR PAGE DESC=<p>Assign specific menu system for a specific page in format: <br /><b>Itemid=menu_name</b> or <b>com_name=menu_name</b>. <br />Each page per row and no spaces are allowed. </p> <p>Eg: The <em>Sport</em> section has the Itemid=385 and you want to use CSS Menu. In this case, the setting is: '<b>385=css</b>'.</p>
    ANIMATION TYPE=Animation Type
    ANIMATION TYPE DESC=This option allows you to enable and customize or disable the Mega Menu animation. The animation for Mega Menu only works in LTR mode.
    ANIMATION DURATION=Animation duration
    ANIMATION DURATION DESC=Time (in miliseconds) for the slide/fade effect applied to Mega Menu.
    DELAY HIDE TIME=Delay Hide time
    DELAY HIDE TIME DESC=Time delay before hidding the sub-menu when mouse out.
    FONT SIZE=Font Size
    FONT SIZE DESCRIPTION=Select the font size for your front-end.<br /><br /><strong>Small</strong>: 1 is for 10px, 2 is for 11px<br /><strong>Medium</strong>: 3 is for 12px, 4 is for 13px<br /><strong>Large</strong>: 5 is for 14px, 6 is for 15px<br /><br />The default value is 3.
    TEMPLATE WIDTH DESCRIPTION=Select one of various width options.<br /><br /> AUTO=This is auto adjusted based on user screen resolution.<p>Narrow Screen=750px</p><p>Wide Screen=950px</p><p>Specified Percentage=<strong>fluid</strong></p><p>Specified Pixels=<strong>fixed</strong></p>
    SPECIFIED WIDTH DESCRIPTION=Enter here a value according to the above setting:<br />* if <em>SPECIFIED PIXEL</em> is selected, enter a value between 700 and 980<br />* if <em>SPECIFIED PERCENTAGE</em> is selected, enter a value between 60 and 100
    HIDE MAIN CONTENT BLOCK DESC=Option to hide the content component main body.
    DIRECTION DESCRIPTION=<strong>T3 Framework</strong> provides <strong>Right To Left</strong> languages support. In this panel users can select the text orientation.<br />* LTR - Left To Right<br />* RTL - Right To Left
    OPTIONS DESC=Front-end tools allow users to customize the look and feel of the website.
    SHOW/HIDE T3 LOGO DESC=Option to <em>show</em> or <em>hide</em> the T3 Framework Logo.
    SHOW/HIDE FONT TOOLS DESC=Option to <em>show</em> or <em>hide</em> the font switcher tool.
    SHOW/HIDE SCREEN TOOLS DESC=Option to <em>show</em> or <em>hide</em> the screen size switcher tool.
    SHOW/HIDE PROFILE TOOLS DESC=Option to <em>show</em> or <em>hide</em> the profiles switcher tool.
    SHOW/HIDE THEMES TOOLS DESC=Option to <em>show</em> or <em>hide</em> the themes switcher tool.
    SHOW/HIDE LAYOUTS TOOLS DESC=Option to <em>show</em> or <em>hide</em> the layout switcher tool.
    SHOW/HIDE DIRECTION TOOLS DESC=Option to <em>show</em> or <em>hide</em> the text orientation switcher tool.
    SHOW/HIDE MENU TOOLS DESC=Option to <em>show</em> or <em>hide</em> the menu system switcher tool.
    ADVANCED SETTING=Advanced Settings
    ADVANCED SETTING DESC=Advanced settings allows users to customize advanced features for profiles such as <em>Themes</em> or <em>Layouts</em>.
    THEMES SETTING=Theme Settings
    THEMES SETTING DESC=Color theme to be used as default for your website. You can manage these themes in the <b>Themes</b> panel, but in this panel you can select the theme to be used for each profile.
    #WE must decide the strings to be used here please check also if the layout override feature is coming with T3 v2#
    LAYOUT SETTING=Layout settings
    LAYOUT SETTING DESC=In this panel can be selected a layout to be used for each of the front-end user device: <br />* <b>Desktop</b> computer / laptop<br />* <b>iPhone</b> devices<br />* Other <b>Handheld</b> devices.
    LAYOUT DESC=This template supports various layout options. Check the options from dropdown.
    DEFAULT LAYOUT=Default Layout
    DEFAULT LAYOUT DESC=Select the layout to be used as default for this template.
    PAGE LAYOUTS OVERWRITE=Page Layouts Override
    PAGE LAYOUTS OVERWRITE DESC=<p>Ability to assign a specific layout for a specific page in format: <br /><b>Itemid=layout_name</b><br /> or <br /><b>com_name=layout_name</b><br /> Each page per row and no spaces are allowed. </p> <p>Eg: The <em>Science</em> section has the Itemid=399 and you want to use a full width layout (without left and right module positions). In this case, the setting would be: '<b>399=1column</b>'. You can create new layouts by duplicating and customizing the default '<b>default</b>'.php layout</p>.
    DESKTOP LAYOUT=Desktop Layout
    DESKTOP LAYOUT SETTING DESC=Select the layout to be used as the default layout for desktop computers.
    #I am not sure if these are duplicates or not...#
    OTHER HANDHELD DEVICES=Other Handheld devices
    OTHER HANDHELD DEVICES DESC=Layout style to be used when other Handheld/mobile agents like Android, Blackberry, Palm, Windows Mobile are detected.
    HANDHELD LAYOUT SETTING DESC=Select the layout to be used as the default layout for handheld devices, by default is set to <b>handheld</b>. You can use a regular layout or disable this feature.
    HANDHELD LAYOUT DESC=Select the layout to be used as the default layout for handheld devices, by default is set to <b>handheld</b>. You can use a regular layout or disable this feature.
    #I am not sure if these are duplicates or not...#
    IPHONE DESC=Layout style to be used when iPhone agents are detected.
    IPHONE LAYOUT DESC=Select the layout to be used as the default layout for iPhone devices, by default is set to <b>iphone</b>. You can use a regular layout or disable this feature.
    IPHONE LAYOUT SETTING DESC=Select the layout to be used as the default layout for iPhone devices, by default is set to <b>iphone</b>. You can use a regular layout or disable this feature.
    ANDROID LAYOUT="Android Layout"
    ANDROID LAYOUT DESC="Select layout to be used as default layout for Android devices. You can use a regular layout or disable this feature."
    ENABLE CUFON=Enable Cufon
    ENABLE CUFON DESC=<b>Cofon</b> is one of the best text replacement techique on the internet. Cufon uses canvas and VML - no Flash or images required. You can use coufon effect on some heading element like Title/Header/H1, H2, H3. <p style='color:#FF0000 font-weight:bold'>Please note that cufon does not support Unicode</p>
    RIGHT MODULES DESC=Modules assigned to the right position are given <em>collapsible</em> capability.
    EXCLUDE MODULES DESCRIPTION=<p>You can set a list of modules to skip using this capability by entering a separated by comma list of module <strong>ID</strong>s.</P>
    DEFAULT STATUS DESCRIPTION=<p>Here you can configure the default status of the modules: <em>collapsed</em> / <em>expanded</em>.</p>
    RIGHT MODULES COLLAPSIBLE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION=Select to enable or disable collapsible functionality for right side modules.
    # do we need this? CORE THEME=Core theme #
    # do we need this? LOCAL THEME=Local theme #
    CORE THEMES=Core themes
    CORE THEMES DESC=These are the default themes supplied with the template and they stand as samples for user to create his own customized themes.
    LOCAL THEMES=Local themes
    LOCAL THEMES DESC=Themes created and uploaded by user for this template will be listed here.
    LAYOUT SETTINGS=Layouts Management
    LAYOUT SETTINGS DESC=In this administration panel you can manage layouts.<br /><em style='color:red'>Please note</em> that the core layouts cannot be deleted.

    UPDATE & VERSION INFORMATION=Update & Version Information
    UPDATE & VERSION INFORMATION DESC=In this panel you can check for template updates, and also upgrade to latest version if you have installed the <b>JA Extensions Manager</b> component.
    UPLOAD PACKAGE FILE=Upload Package File
    UPLOAD PACKAGE FILE DESC=Upload your custom themes using this panel. Quick and easy!
    HELP AND SUPPORT=Help & Support
    HELP AND SUPPORT DESC=Help And Support Resources
    HELP AND SUPPORT DETAILS=<p style="padding: 5px 15px; text-align:left;"><span style="font-weight:bold; font-size:16px; color:#278CD4;">Documentation</span><br /><strong>Overview</strong><br />In <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Overview" target="_blank">this section</a> you are going to be <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Overview#Introduction" target="_blank">introduced</a> to the new framework, you will learn about the <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Overview#What_is_new_in_T3_Framework_2.0" target="_blank">new features</a> coming with the new version, and also you will learn about the <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Overview#Template_Framework_Comparison" target="_blank">difference</a> between framework versions. <br /><br /><strong>Developer Guides</strong><br />In this section you are going to explore the new <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Structure" target="_blank">structure</a> of the framework, and then you will understand the <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Layouts" target="_blank">Layouts</a> feature, the <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Themes" target="_blank">Themes</a> feature, the <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Profiles" target="_blank">Profiles</a> feature, and the <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Template_administration" target="_blank">new administration panel</a>. <br /><br /><strong>Customization FAQs</strong><br />In this section you will learn <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/FAQs#Developing_a_T3_Framework_Template" target="_blank">how to create a new T3 Framework template</a> and <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/FAQs#Customization_FAQs" target="_blank">how to customize it</a>. <br /><br /><strong>Menu Systems</strong><br />Although the structure have changed, both versions of the framework use almost same menu systems: Mega Menu, Split Menu, Dropline Menu, CSS Menu, but Moo Menu was removed from the T3 Framework 2.0. <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Template_Framework/Navigation" target="_blank">Click here</a> to learn all about menu systems.<br /><br /><span style="font-weight:bold; font-size:16px; color:#278CD4;">Support</span><br />Whenever you need a hand developing with T3 Framework 2.0, feel free to ask for support in our <a target="_blank" href="http://www.joomlart.com/forums/forum/jat3-2-0-for-joomla-1-5/">forum</a>.<br />Members have access to professional help, and can submit support tickets online via <a target="_blank" href="http://support.joomlart.com">support portal</a> and our support team will provide assistance in less than 12 hours! No account yet? <a target="_blank" href="https://www.joomlart.com/member/signup.php">Subscribe here</a>!<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold; font-size:16px; color:#278CD4;">Copyright Information</span><br />If you are a developer who want to use the T3 Framework for your templates, you may have to check copyright information. <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Copyright" target="_blank">Click here</a> to find out more.<p>
    # do we need this? PERFORMANCE SETTING DESC=Performance settings for the template. #
    #___________Help messages_____________#
    JAT3 GENERAL HELP=<strong>Profile override settings</strong><br />This panel controls the general behavior of the template and allows you to set profile overrides for specific pages or content components. The default profile is used for all pages and components by default, but you can create unlimited profile overrides. <br />Here is a quick guide: <br />* <strong>Step 1</strong> - Click the <em>Click to add</em> to select a page or content component,<br />* <strong>Step 2</strong> - Select a profile to be used for this page,<br />* <strong>Step 2</strong> - Click the <span style="font-weight:bold; color:green;">Apply</span> button to save the configuration.<br />This will produce a profile override so go ahead in the frontend and browse that page you created profile override for. <br /> <a rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 600}}" href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Global_Panel" class="modal toolbar" id="profile-overrides-wiki">Click here</a> to learn more about profile override settings and <a rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 600}}" href="http://www.joomlart.com/?ajax=module&name=youtubeplaylist" class="modal toolbar" id="video-profiles">here</a> to watch a quick step-by-step video guide.<br /><br /><strong>Cache Settings</strong><br />In this panel can enable the cache for the template and also disable the cache for a specific block loading modules with <em>javascript</em> implementations.<br />To disable the cache for a specific list of module positions, please follow this guick guide:<br />* <strong>Step 1</strong> - Enter the position(s) in the text area (leave no space, and press the <em>Enter</em> key after each one to form a simple list of positions),<br />* <strong>Step 2</strong> - Click the <span style="font-weight:bold; color:green;">Apply</span> button to save the configuration.<br />In effect, the cache feature will be unavailable for this list of module positions.<br /><a rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 600}}" href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#System_Settings" class="modal toolbar" id="cache">Click here</a> to learn more about cache settings.<br /><br /><strong>CSS and Javascript Compression</strong><br />This panel allows you to set compresion to be used for template stylesheets and javascripts. The page load will get much faster with compressed files.<br /><a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Compression_Settings" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 600}}" id="css-js-compression" class="modal toolbar">Click here</a> to learn all about this feature in our wiki documentation sources.
    JAT3 PROFILE HELP=<strong>What are profiles?</strong><br />T3 Framework provide profiles to hold the settings of the template. You can see the default profiles just above this help. <br />Click any of these profiles to <em style="color:green">clone</em> / <em style="color:blue">rename & customize</em> / <em style="color:red">delete</em> existing profiles.<br /><br /><strong>Profile settings</strong><br />You can customize the default profile to use your favorite settings, but each other profile can override any of these settings. The profile settings control the template logo, font-size, layout, menu system and generally all template features.<br /><a rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 600}}" href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Profiles_Panel" class="modal toolbar" id="profile-management-wiki">Click here</a> to learn more about profiles and their settings.<br /><br /><span style="font-weight:bold; font-size:11px; color:white; background:orange; padding: 0 2px;">TIP</span> hover each of the parameter title to see usage instructions.
    JAT3 LAYOUT HELP=<strong>What is this panel for?</strong><br />In this administration panel you can manage layouts used by the template. Using internal editors this panel will allow you to easily manage layouts on the fly.<br /><br /><strong>What is a layout?</strong><br />A layout is a file to load a set of other files called blocks and controls the general design of the template. Each layout can load different blocks with default or custom width settings. Blocks hold the several module positions a T3 Framework based template have, and having similar blocks but with different style classes help to create distinctive layouts.<br /><br /><strong>What does this button do?</strong><br />Here you can create <em style="color:green">new</em> layouts, <em style="color:blue">edit</em> / <em style="color:green">clone</em> the core layouts and you can also <em style="color:blue">rename</em> or <em style="color:red">delete</em> the layouts you create, but you cannot delete the core layouts and their blocks as they are used as samples for your custom layouts. You can do all these in this very page, no need to use code editors. <br /><br /><a rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 600}}" href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Layouts_Panel" class="modal toolbar" id="profile-overrides-wiki">Click here</a> to learn all about layouts management.
    JAT3 THEME HELP=<strong>About themes</strong><br />This feature was introduced with the original JA Purity template and was used in the first version of the T3 Framework. The themes administration changed with T3 Framework 2.0 to make the template development easier. Now you can create your custom themes, pack them and upload them to the template <em style="color:green">themes</em> folder right in the back-end, just like installing a template extension.<br /><br /><strong>Core themes</strong><br />These themes were developed to help you create your own custom color themes and they stand as sample styling. You cannot delete these themes with the template administration panel.<br /><br /><strong>Local Themes</strong><br />In this section you can see the themes you have previously created. You can delete these themes if you don't find them useful anymore.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Upload package file</strong><br />In this section you can upload new themes using an internal upload system, similar to Joomla! Install/Uninstall page. The themes you upload must be packed in a <em>zip</em> or <em>gz</em> archive format.<br /><br /><a rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 800, y: 600}}" href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Themes_Panel" class="modal toolbar" id="profile-management-wiki">Click here</a> to learn all about themes management.
    JAT3 HELP SUPPORT HELP=<strong>Want to easily keep up to date?</strong><br />We recommend installing <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Extensions_Manager/Overview" target="_blank">JA Extensions Manager</a> to easily upgrade to latest version of the framework.<br/>Please read the <a title="News release" href="http://www.joomlart.com/addons/components_and_modules/ja-extensions-manager-upgrades-and-rollbacks-made-easy.html">news release here</a> and if you find it useful, please don't forget to <a href="http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/core-enhancements/installers/12077" target="_blank">vote for it on JED</a>. <br /><br/>Also, you can check new version with our online update system at <a title="http://update.joomlart.com" target="_blank" href="http://update.joomlart.com">http://update.joomlart.com</a>. Login with your JoomlArt username to view file comparison between versions.

    ALL PAGE=All pages and content components
    ALL CATEGORY=All Category
    PACKAGE FILE=Package File
    UPLOAD FILE & INSTALL=Upload file & Install
    LAYOUT NAME=Layout name
    RESET TO DEFAULT=Reset to default
    (COMING SOON)=(Coming soon..)

    #_____________Add 21/05/2010______________________#
    NO TEMPLATE SPECIFIED OR LAYOUT NAME CONTAINS SPACE OR SPECIAL CHRACTERS.=Layout cannot be created. No template specified or layout name contains invalid character(s).
    COULD NOT MAKE THE %S FILE UNWRITABLE=Cannot modify file %s. Please check file & folder permissions.
    NO TEMPLATE SPECIFIED OR PROFILE NAME CONTAINS SPACE OR SPECIAL CHRACTERS.=Profile cannot be created. No template specified or profile name contains invalid character(s).
    CLICK HERE TO EXPAND OR COLLAPSE=Click here to expand or collapse
    FAIL TO CONNECT TO UPDATE.JOOMLART.COM FOR VERSION CHECKING OR NOT FOUND INFORMATION=Fail to connect to <a href="update.joomlart.com" title="update.joomlart.com">update.joomlart.com</a> for version checking or not found information
    ARE YOU SURE TO DELETE THIS PROFILE?=Are you sure to delete this profile? Deleting profile will lead to current pages which use this profile will be marked as red for change. Page is now reloaded and all changes will not be saved.
    ARE YOU SURE TO RESET TO DEFAULT THIS PROFILE?=Are you sure you want to reset this profile to default settings?
    LAYOUT NAME CAN NOT BE EMPTY=Layout name cannot be empty.
    ARE YOU SURE TO CANCEL?=Are you sure you want to cancel?
    ARE YOU SURE TO DELETE THIS LAYOUT?=Are you sure you want to delete this layout? Deleting layout will lead to current profiles which use this layout will be marked as red for change. Page is now reloaded and all changes will not be saved.
    ARE YOU SURE TO RESET TO DEFAULT THIS LAYOUT?=Are you sure you want to reset this layout to default settings?
    CLICK HERE TO EDIT THIS LAYOUT=Click here to edit this layout
    CLICK HERE TO RENAME THIS LAYOUT=Click here to rename this layout
    CLICK HERE TO RESET TO DEFAULT THIS LAYOUT=Click here to reset to default this layout
    CLICK HERE TO DELETE THIS LAYOUT=Click here to delete this layout
    CLICK HERE TO CLONE THIS LAYOUT=Click here to clone this layout
    CLICK HERE TO ADD NEW LAYOUT=Click here to add a new layout
    CLICK HERE TO REMOVE THIS ROW=Click here to remove this row
    CLICK HERE TO ADD NEW PROFILE=Click here to add a new profile
    CLICK HERE TO DELETE THIS THEME=Click here to delete this theme
    JA CHANGE THEME HELP=<b>Theme Settings Tips</b><br />You have just added a new theme. You can add unlimited themes to override default theme, and they are used simultaneously.<br />You can drag each additional theme to change the order of priority: the first has the highest prority, and the default theme is the las and cannot be dragged.<br />
    EXTENSION MANAGEMENT HAS INSTALLED =<p style="text-align:left; padding:5px 15px;">JA Extensions Manager is installed in your system. <br />Please follow <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Extensions_Manager/How-to" target="_blank">these instructions</a> on how to update the <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Extensions" target="_blank">extensions</a> of the T3 Framework powered template, in the update component <a href="index.php?option=com_jaextmanager">administration panel</a>.</p>
    EXTENSION MANAGEMENT DOES NOT EXIST =<p style="text-align:left; padding:5px 15px;">JA Extensions Manager is NOT installed in your system. <a href="http://www.joomlart.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=1124" target="_blank">Click here</a> to download. <br />You can check installation guides <a href="http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Extensions_Manager/Installation" target="_blank">here</a>!</p>

    #___________________________Add 12/06/2010_____________#
    CONFIRM WHEN RENAME OR DELETE PROFILE = Important Note: Renaming a profile that is assigned to be used for certain pages will lead to current pages which use this profile to be be marked in red color for change. You will need to save the new profile again for those pages.
    CONFIRM WHEN RENAME OR DELETE LAYOUT = Important Note: Renaming a layout that is assigned to a profile will lead to current profiles using this layout to be be marked in red color for change. Page is now reloaded and all changes will not be saved. You will need to save the profile with the new layout.
    FAILED TO DELETE THEME %S=Failed to delete the %s theme..
    FAILED TO MOVE FOLDER "%S"=Failed to move the "%s" folder..
    LAYOUT %S WAS SUCCESSFULLY CREATED!=The "%s" layout was successfully created!
    GLOBAL FONT DESCRIPTION=This setting allows you to set a special font for all text content in your front-end. <br/>Normally, this setting will override the font-setting in following stylesheet in css files:<br/><div class='code'>body#bd {font-family: '[Google fonts setting]';}</div>
    MODULE TITLE FONT DESCRIPTION=This setting allows you to set a special font for module titles. <br/>Normally, this setting will override the font-setting in following stylesheet in css files:<br/><div class='code'>div.ja-moduletable h3, div.moduletable h3,<br/>div.ja-module h3, div.module h{font-family: '[Google fonts setting]';}</div>
    MAIN MENU FONT DESCRIPTION=This setting allows you to set a special font for your Main menu. <br/>Normally, this setting will override the font-setting in following stylesheet in css files:<br/><div class='code'>#ja-splitmenu, #jasdl-mainnav, #ja-cssmenu li, #ja-megamenu ul.level0 {font-family: '[Google fonts setting]';}</div>
    SUB MENU FONT DESCRIPTION=This setting allows you to set a special font for your Sub menu. <br/>Normally, this setting will override the font-setting in following stylesheet in css files:<br/><div class='code'>#ja-subnav,#jasdl-subnav,#ja-cssmenu li li,#ja-megamenu ul.level1 {font-family: '[Google fonts setting]';}</div>
    PAGE HEADING FONT DESCRIPTION=This setting allows you to set a special font for your content pages in front-end.<br/>Normally, this setting will override the font-setting in following stylesheet in css files:<br/><div class='code'>.componentheading {font-family: '[Google fonts setting]';}</div>
    CONTENT HEADING FONT DESCRIPTION=This setting allows you to set a special font for all content articles titles.<br/>Normally, this setting will override the font-setting in following stylesheet in css files:<br/><div class='code'>.contentheading, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5{font-family: '[Google fonts setting]';}</div>
    SPOTLIGHT TITLE FONT DESCRIPTION=This setting allows you to set a special font for module titles in spotlight module positions.
    GOOGLE FONT API SETTINGS DESC=These settings allow you to use Google Font API to replace default fonts with high-quality fonts in the whole website or certain elements such as: headings, module titles, page heading and others. Read more about <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/webfonts/">Google Font API</a> or <a href="http://code.google.com/webfonts">Browse Google Font Directory</a><br /><br /><b>*For developers:</b> find out more about Google Font API Settings in this file:<div class='code'>[root]pluginssystemjat3base-themesdefaultblockscss.php. </div>
    SLOGAN FONT DESCRIPTION=Special font setting for your Slogan. This is applied if you use set Logo type = Text in Profile setting above. <br/>Normally, this setting will override the font-setting in following stylesheet in css files:<br/><div class='code'>p.site-slogan{font-family: '[Google fonts setting]';}</div>
    LOGO FONT DESCRIPTION=If you use text logo then using Google Font for logo is highly RECOMMENDED. Most of Google fonts are very beautiful & charming for logo. <br/>Normally, this setting will override the font-setting in following stylesheet in css files:<br/><div class='code'>div.logo-text h1 a{font-family: '[Google fonts setting]';}</div>
    FEATURES DESC=Highlights of core features of %s
    LAYOUT OPTIONS DESC=Quick information about the layout options for %s
    MENU TYPES DESC=Supported menu types in the template. Most of T3 Framework based templates support 4 menus types:<br/><br/>* <b>Mega Menu:</b> The most powerful menu system to support multi levels and unlimited menu columns<br/><br/>* <b>CSS Menu:</b> Multi dropdown menu system using CSS only<br/><br/>* <b>Dropline Menu:</b> Submenus displayed horizontally when their parent menu items are hovered<br/><br/>* <b>Split Menu:</b> Quite the same as Dropline Menu, submenu does not show on mouse hover, it shows when you browse a parent menu item page.<br/>For more information, please visit our <a href='http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides#Menu_Settings'>Menu wiki page</a>.
    COLORS DESC=How many colors are supported? Some templates have 10 or more color themes, supporting both light & dark themes.
    OTHER DESC=Other special features of the template. Eg: special content typography, highlight modules, etc.
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DESC=An overview of all extra features of %s to make the best use for your website.
    OPTIMIZE CSS DESC=This this feature will optimize all the CSS files used in your website. <br /><br /><strong>Options</strong><br />* <i>No</i> - Disables the CSS compression features.<br />* <i>Linked files</i> - Uses the <strong>@import</strong> function to import all CSS files into a single CSS file to have a single file call and reduce browser requests. This will fix the IE related issues caused by the maximum 30 CSS files limit.<br />* <i>Join & Minify</i> - Combines <strong>Minify</strong> and <strong>Join</strong> (file merging) optimization. <strong>Minify</strong> is an optimization technique to eliminate blank spaces and other unnecessary characters (comments usually) without changing the functionality of the code. <strong>Join</strong> will merge the content of the minified files into a single file to be stored in the folder you can configure below.<br />* <i>Join & Minify & Compress</i> - will compress the CSS file created by <i>Join & Minify</i> using Joomla! gZIP compression scripts.
    OPTIMIZE JS=Optimize JS
    OPTIMIZE JS DESC=This this feature will optimize all the JS files used in your website. <br /><br /><strong>Options</strong><br />* <i>No</i> - Disables the JS compression features.<br />* <i>Join</i> - Will only merge all JS files into a single JS file to be stored in the folder you can configure below.<br />* <i>Join & Minify</i> - Combines <strong>Minify</strong> and <strong>Join</strong> (file merging) optimization. <strong>Minify</strong> is an optimization technique to eliminate blank spaces and other unnecessary characters (comments usually) without changing the functionality of the code. <strong>Join</strong> will merge the content of the minified files into a single file to be stored in the same folder you can configure below.<br />* <i>Join & Minify & Compress</i> - will compress the JS file created by <i>Join & Minify</i> using Joomla! gZIP compression scripts.
    CUSTOM CSS DESC=Type your custom CSS here if you wish to override css in css files of the template.<br/>Please note that not all Google fonts support full font variation. Some font may not have BOLD, ITALIC or UPPERCASE variations. The most common used css overrides are FONT-SIZE, FONT-COLOR.<br/>Eg:<div class='code'>font-size: 18px<br/>font-color: #CCC</div>
    OPTIMIZE FOLDER=Optimize Folder <br /><span style='color:green;font-variation:italic;font-weight:normal;font-size:10px;'>must be writable</span>
    OPTIMIZE FOLDER DESC=Folder where optimized css/js files are stored. <br /><span style='color:red; font-weight:bold;'>Please note</span>: This folder must be <span style='color:green; font-weight:bold;font-variation: italic;'>writable</span>.
    OPTIMIZE EXCLUDE=Optimize Exclude <br /><span style='color:red;font-variation:italic;font-weight:normal;font-size:10px;'>Not recommended</span>
    OPTIMIZE EXCLUDE DESC=Add the JS / CSS files name (without location path) you do NOT want to optimize, one per row. <br /><strong>Example</strong>:<br /><div style='border-left:1px dashed #333; background:#e6e6e6; padding: 5px 10px;'>template-rtl.css<br />mega.js</div>
    #____________________________Mega Menu______________________#
    JA EXTENDED MENU PARAMETERS PLUGIN=To be used with T3 Templates supporting Enhanced Mega Menu.
    DESCRIPTION=Add Description
    DESCRIPTION DESC=Description added here will be shown as the Tag line below the Menu Item Title. Works for Submenu items also.
    COLUMNS DESC=Number of Columns. Works for first level menu items, with groups = Y for each subset going into each column.
    GROUP DESC=Set to yes for number of columns per first level menu items.
    SUBMENU WIDTH=Submenu Width
    SUBMENU WIDTH DESC=Submenu Width
    SUBMENU COLUMN WIDTH=Submenu Column Width
    SUBMENU COLUMN WIDTH DESC=Submenu Column Width
    SUBMENU COLUMN WIDTH=Submenu Column Width
    SUBMENU COLUMN WIDTH DESC=enter the desired column width as colw1=200 or colw3=300.
    ADDITIONAL CLASS=Additional class
    ADDITIONAL CLASS DESC=Additional CSS class to apply to the menu items.
    SUBMENU CONTENT=Submenu Content
    SUBMENU CONTENT DESC=Choose content to show in submenus. Multiple modules based on name or module position can be selected and loaded. Use Ctrl + Click to select Multiple Items.
    SELECT MODULES=Select Modules
    SELECT MODULES DESC=Select Modules
    SELECT POSITIONS=Select Positions
    SELECT POSITIONS DESC=Select Positions
    JA EXTENDED PARAMETERS DESC=Extended parameters for JA Megamenu. <p>Please read the Usage Instructions if you are new to Mega Menu.</p>
    SHOW TITLE=Show Title
    SHOW TITLE DESC=Show Title
    #______________________________CPANEL ON FONTEND __________________________________________#
    FONT SIZE=Font Size
    MENU STYLE=Menu Style
    DISPLAY TEMPLATE INFORMATION=Display Template Information
    DISPLAY TEMPLATE INFORMATION DESC=These settings allow you to view blocks & modules information. It override the default tp=1 information of core Joomla<br /><br /><b>*Sample codes:</b><div class='code'>Valid paramenters:t3info=1, tp=1, allblocks=1 or 0, content=1 or 0. Eg:[yourjoomlasite.com/?t3info=1&allblocks=1&content=0</div>

    You can either edit the file where it is if you only want your language or you can create your own language file with the translations.

    ifantasy Friend

    Of course! Sorry the question was stupid. I just did not immediately realize where to look for a solution. Thank you!

    asduncan Friend

    I also had this problem and modified the relevant file and
    In Menus/Main Menu/Home under Parameters System changed the Page Title

    however it still didn’t work.

    I go it working by changing
    Menus/Magazine/Home and under Parameters System changed the Page title – even though Show Page Title was set to No.

    morladim Friend

    Thank you so much mate. I was getting sick of the site of that stupid message even after I changed the title from the main menu last week. 😀

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  morladim 13 years, 4 months ago.

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